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TW: Panic attack


I ignored all of them for like a week after that... I know it didn't help my case in fact it made it worse it made it seem like I was being defensive WHICH I WASN'T. They all left the house one of the days so I called Damien and told him to bring me some weed. I needed to get high.

That night I crawled onto the roof and smoked my feelings away.--I thought a lot well I thought about stuff before I got high when I got high I didn't have the brain to think.
I thought about my ex' old sexuality.. and my d-dad. That night I had a nightmare about my dad and woke up screaming I was sweaty and out of breath-- I couldn't breathe.

Gabriel busted in my room along with Reese justin and michael. Gabriel reached for me but I pushed his hand away still panting for air. "baby what's wrong" I didn't know who asked cause my vision started getting blurry. "don't cry kaiden you okay?" I think it was micheal that asked-- I shook my head no and started wiping my tears "men don't don't don't cry" I kept chanting that while rocking myself back and forth.

I can't let them see me like this everytime one of them tried to grab me I pushed their hands away. They all started saying sweet meaningless nothings... "it's gonna be okay" "your fine" "breathe" "shhh" "it's fine" "it was just a nightmare". bullshit.....

I heard reese tell them to leave and go to sleep, they hesitated but soon left. When the door closed he stared at me and i looked up at him. he opened his arms and whispered "it's okay". I stared at his open arms before crawling towards him-- when i got close enough he picked me up and layed me down on top of him while running his fingers through my hair. He starting singing... I don't know what song it was but it calmed my breathing down. soon enough I fell asleep


The next morning I woke up feelings something warm pressed against my back.... than I recalled the events from last night oh someone...--- I tried to get up but his heavy ass arm was draped over me. now I wasn't weak I will never be weak it's funny you even thought that but like I just got up. I started rocking my body and saying "get the fuck up idiot" over and over again until I heard him say "if you keep rocking back and forth like that I'll take your gay virginity right here and right now". I stopped rocking instantly.. fuck I think I stopped breathing. He chuckled and next thing you know the mother fricker is on top of me-- " te odio where's your shirt" ( I hate you)

"On the floor why"... "well put it back on" I basically growled. "why" he said smirking "just do it". "do what?" he said before leaning down and biting my ear. I let out a sigh and felt him smirk against my ear-- he kissed down my jawline and was about to kiss me until gabriel reese justin and micheal walked in. I pushed him off slightly and rolled over-- he laughed... the fucker had the audacity to laugh at this. I glared at him and he threw his arms up in surrender pointing to the door way.

They were all smiling at me "oh fuck off" I muttered. "I thought you were str-... st-...stra" he laughed. I flipped him off and growled.
"you know I think he's turning into a wolf he's been growling a lot lately" reese said to them. I honestly laughed at that making them smile.

comment who your favorite boy is :) feel free to give any ideas for upcoming chapters

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