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RYAN... Backstory


"We need an ambulance on 1956 packers street ASAP, a teenage boy and his parents were in a collision with a semi truck. Mother flew out the window and died on impact, Father got crushed by the semi truck when it collided into the driver's side...both announced dead. Teenage boy looks to be 16 still breathing,but may not last long. We need assistance NOW.

I remember that day like it was yesterday...It still hurts more and more and it's glued into my brain. She didn't think I was listening she thought I was out cold..no I heard everything it took all of me not to scream out in mental and physical pain.

I don't understand why I couldn't die with them and why I survived. I'm to much of a pussy to kill myself so I just live with the torture. I'm 17 now...still in an orphanage nobody wants the teenagers especially the messed up once.

Staff told me as soon as I was 18 I'm out. No if's and's or but's I just gotta go... so there's no point in staying until I get kicked out. Therefore? I ran.. Did they stop me? No did they try? No

It was pitch dark outside...nowhere to go. I live in a pretty shady area.. Always have. My parents had enough for food and bills. They loved me so much..and I loved them. I was one innocent ass kid with good grades never got into fights. I got bullied of course but that's what happens to every scrawny kid that gets good grades.

There was one thing that I never got to tell them. I was gonna tell them on that night... "mom dad-- I'm gay". Gay as fuck at that buutt I obviously never got to do it cause I mean well they died.

I was turning down the street and I saw like 6 or 8 females and males in slutty ass outfits waiting to get picked up. Great.. I walked to prosituiton street well fuck me. A car pulled up to me and told me to get in.

"O-oh no sorry sir i'm not a prostitute just passing by"... he stayed silent for a few moments before reaching into his pocket. I thought it was a gun so I stepped back. "Chillout barbie it's just a wallet". He pulled out 100 dollar bills and said "you sure you aina prostitute?"

It was so easy to get to me...I mean what else did I have to do? I didn't say anything and opened the passenger side. I've hated cars since the accident But I pushed down the panic and went on with the night.

This man took my virginity and paid me 500...after that night I was hooked. I went out every night. It's honestly crazy. I prostituted for a year and a half than got put in jail when I was 18---

That's pretty much the end of my story nun special... I got sent to an institution after a few months in jail and I can honestly say it changed me...

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