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I woke up to loud..very loud beeping sounds-- I tried to open my eyes but when I did It was just this bright ass light. I moved my finger but felt pain all pain. I heard some rustling and a voice that sounded like Jackson? I opened my eyes and when I finally adjusted to the lught I looked around and saw Reese, Ryan, Jay, Micheal, Gabriel, Jackson, and Justin standing around the bed. That's when my stupid ass realized I was in a fucking hospital--- Reese and Ryan had tears in their eyes and I wanted to ask why they were crying but when I opened my mouth my throat hurt so bad.

"don't talk baby your okay" that was micheal I arched my eyebrow at him baby? he smiled which I was happy to see since this whole room was filled with people who looked like they wanted to kill themsleves with those heavy ass bags under their eyes. I was really confused so I felt better when a doctor came in. "good morning Kaiden" she said I knew I couldn't talk so I just nodded my head at her which HURT like hell. "don't move your head to much love" she said and that's when I really got confused.

She must have noticed because she she said "Okay Kaiden you just woke up from a coma you've been out for 3 weeks". When she said that my mouth dropped yeah it hurt like a bitch but it stayed dropped until Gabriel closed it for me. she continued "Do you remember anything about an alley.. or saving a women from getting beat.. or getting beat yourelf". I thought about it for a second and blinked my eyes twice so she knew I was saying yes--- she smiled and said good. "Do you remember any of these boys" she asked pointing to all of them. I blinked twice again and they smiled-- "Okay you have a mild concussion some guys in an alleyway banged your head up against the ground pretty badly... the bleeding wasn't to bad everything went smoothly. you will be released in about 2 days." she ended with a smile and walked out--

Justin Immediatley turned towards me and started apologizing. I arched my eyebrow at him showing a confused ass expression--- he stopped apologizing and looked at me.
"you remember don't know?" I looked at him and than looked around at everyone, knowing what happened i sighed and said "what did I do". Everyone eyed me strangely and I could tell they had questions. I sighed once again before saying "i'm sorry if I hurt any of you my mind blacked out... I don't recall everything I do when that happens-- I go into this state of mind where I don't recognize anyone around me but my.."

"but your what?" Reese said eyeing my curiously--- "father"

"so in that state of mind if you see your father you recognize him and him only.. b-but why? and what do you do exactly? why did you go into that alley?" (gabriel)

I stared at him for a second-- "yes I only recongize my father and because he's the one that caused that state of mind... I can't really answer what I do- I usually fall into it when something from my past pops up or something catches me off guard. Justin that questioned you ask I'm sorry if I made you feel guilty it's honestly not your fault. It happened because you were right they were memories it wasnt a nightma-"

I choked on my words and started biting my lip to stop myself from crying. Ryan walked up to me and pulled my lip from inbetween my teeth, It shocked me but I let him. I took a breath and said "my past is a not so good past I-"

"It's okay you don't have to tell us" jackson said quielty while looking down. I don't talk to Jackson much, but i can tell he's sweet-- I feel the need to protect jackson and ryan from everything and I know everyone feels the same. I nodded towards him and Jay turned on the Tv spongebob was playing which made me smile I mean who doesn't watch spongebob?


He's right I don't care how old I am I will love spongebob till i die :) You guys got any idea about his past? // also let me know if you feel as if their are certain characters not getting enough spotlight and I'll be sure to bring them up more in chapters!! oh yah question would you guys like background stories on each of the characters?

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