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Lol I'm sorry I hate when authors do this but I wanted to let you smexy dexy people know 😏 that I quote quote got sum writers block umm my main stories are perdoname and manipulated. Perdoname is coming to an end— I don't know where to continue from where I left off I could use sum ideas. I got a plan for the ending though. Umm me when I get quote quote writers block I tend to write hella different stories Like😃 I've started writing Atleast 10 new stories that are never gonna get published. Let me know if I should make a book with summary's of the stories I've written and you can choose which ones to turn into a real story. ANYWAYS POINT IS I'm cough cough trying but umm just wanted to let y'all know I'm alive yeah kay bye 😽 ouuu should I write a bdsm book?😂🖤

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