that's just life..right? pt1

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My dad up and decided He would be staying for a week. No one stopped him. Justin and Jay told them who he was. The worst part? They broke their promise to me...the air has been tense and no one but my father Ryan,and Jackson has spoken to me. Not even Reese...which hurt the most.

I knew I shouldn't have gotten attached. My past is too messed up for people to give me a chance. I didn't even leave he did, so if He didn't my name would be Just as known as his

Lemme tell you my story....

Kaiden's long ass backstory

"Mommy I don't wanna go with him p-please don't let him take me from you"

"oh nena sabes que no puedo...saber lo que hace" (oh baby you know I can' know what he does"


I flinched at the sound of my father's voice...I know he loves us he just has a different way of showing it. Well at least that's what my mom says, I love my dad always will.

"Vamos kaiden" (come on)

"P-próximo" (c-coming)

Time skip//////

Did I forget to mention that I'm 8? Yeah anyway my father took me to some type of creepy warehouse. I'm teeth are chattering like I'm cold. He's never done anything to me before he's Just always been unaproachable always yelling...when I fall it's just "get the fuck up".

One time I broke a glass vase and fell into it a large piece got lodged in my thigh. I remember being so scared and disgusted by all the blood. My dad stood there and did nothing while my mom was trying to get me to the hospital. When I asked him about it he said "I wanted to see your reaction"

I tried clinging to my dad's pants leg but he shook me off. We walked into a room with ugly buff scary looking men. I hid behind my dad's body but he yanked me out. To my left their was a table with knives, L shaped looking thingies, balls with clips, ropes, some type of bubbly liquid, an arrow, etc etc.

I was so scared I thought my tiny legs were going to give out from all the trembling. When I looked around again I noticed a few more kids, not a lot, maybe 4, they looked older than me though. Is this some kind of creepy play date?..

I went from thinking Kinda innocent thought to my dad handing me the L shaped thingy.

"W-what's t-this?"

"Don't stutter boy!"

"Sorry..." I whispered

"And it's a damn gun"

"A gun?.."

"Yes now follow me and don't get in anyone's way unless you wanna end up dead"

I followed my dad, but ended up not following his rule. I bumped into one of the kids I saw earlier but he looked like he was about 16-17

"Watch it stupid kid"


He raised his eyebrow and jumped towards me. I flinched and he laughed. I looked around for my dad to find him right next to me once again not doing anything. I started silently crying really wanting to leave

"Aw is the little baby scared?"

I stayed silent...and hugged myself

"Betty boo that was the biggest mistake of your short life"

Before I could respond I felt a continuous amount of pain on my stomach and fell to the ground. This boy kept hitting me over and over again, I was screaming out in pain and fear not knowing what was happening to me.

My little body couldn't take all these powerful hits, broken bones and blood...I felt myself go slightly limp. I saw the boy pull out a knife but before he cut me blood splattered onto me and his body fell to the ground. I looked over to see my dad holding the L shaped thingy...

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