fuck your sorry's part 2

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TW: self harm mention/cussing

After I said those words everyone piled into the kitchen some looking shocked, some crying, some guilty, some mad. Jay tried to reach me but I stepped back accidentally bumping into Reese. Before I could step forward he grabbed my waist tightly . "get the fuck off me" I said - He completely ignored it and told Jackson to stand Infront of me. That's when I realized I Did not have a fucking shirt on my wrist was in sight for everyone to see. "grab his wrist" Jackson did as he was told and grabbed my wrist

I tried to get free but this twig was strong. "why" I heard reese's voice say but it came out as a broken sob. His grip around me loosened so I stood back and faced him. He was crying--- no looking around everyone was crying or had teary eyes including me. "you guys have no right to cry, I was alone.. for more than a week you all left me just like my mom."

"So as I said before fuck your sorry's". I heard someone gasp and I looked over to see Ryan. He looked sad..but PISSED. He stomped over to me and started yelling "WE DO HAVE A RIGHT TO CRY WE CARE ABOUT YOU KAI WE ALL CARE SO MUCH, you finally come down after a week and you have deep ass cuts on your wrist and EXPECT US NOT TO CRY! Kai we our so sorry, we did not realize you would feel alone we didn't realize you would miss us."

"please forgive us baby" I looked over to Micheal who also had wet cheeks. I'm petty and hurt so I said "Me being depressed and lonely didn't stop you all from fucking did it?". They went silent after that and just stared at me- I wiped my eyes, smiled even though it didn't reach my eyes and said "thought so" before walking out the kitchen all the way up to my room without anyone chasing after me.

Or that's what I thought before getting tackled to the ground by everyone. Reese and gabriel were on top of me while everyone was piled on them-- Everyone had stopped crying and now just had puffy eyes and wet stained cheeks.

"why do you care if we did" (Reese)

                   "I don't, that wasn't my point

"yeah okay sure but anyway, were gonna apologize everyday until you forgive us" (Reese)

"we don't deserve your forgiveness" ( Jay)

"Please don't cut again... P-please don't leave us" (Ryan)

"Baby just give us a chance to right our wrongs" (Micheal)

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement while I rolled my eyes at that 'baby' word again. I didn't smile.. I didn't frown I held my straight face and said "fine"

when do you guys want those back stories? oh and if you have any ideas for the next few chapters fill free to comment them

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