there dating

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I woke up and rolled over only to end up on the floor. I groaned when I hit the floor and groaned again from the pounding headache

I heard voices downstairs and smelled bacon. I decided to take a shower and go down. I turned on the cold water because well who doesn't like cold showers

I got out the shower and threw on some black joggers with my plain white t-shirt, slid into my nike slides and slowly walked down stairs

when I got downstairs it was quiet. I ignored them and continued to my destination...aspirin.

I walked back into the living room they once again stopped talking.

"umm okay continue to be weird then"

I rolled my eyes and spoke again

"oh did ya'll know Ryan and gabriel were dating"

as soon as I said that some of them stared at me shocked, and others choked on what they were eating

"idiotas" I said

"w-what do you m-mean" Ryan asked

"yeah what do you mean?" -Justin

"I mean what else does dating mean are yall estupido...I knew someone in this house had to be dating I just didn't know who until I seen ryan and gabriel sucking each others faces off"

Gabriel smirked and Ryan blushed

" why you blushing everyone does it I  just made out with my friend gabby yesterday"

Jay glared at me but I very much ignored it

"so who else in this household is dating" I asked

"This house bet not be one of them damn cringy wattpad stories where all the boys in the house are dating and the main character walks in on them having sex. like why would you even open the door when you heard moaning and groaning anyway thats a clear sign that their fucking, But if it is one of those house I should let you guys know Im very very straight". I continued

Reese looked at me like 'sure you are'

"why are you looking at me like that"

"cuz your sexy" - jay

He smiled than winked — I blinked once...than..twice... than a third time

"did you just...?"

"yup" he said

now that time? I blushed which made him laugh

"and you said your what" (reese)

I just looked at him smiled and said "st-....s-st stra"

"can't say it can you" micheal said while smirking

"shutup yes I can"

"than say it" - Justin

everyone just looked at me complete amusement on their faces. I looked at all of them and glared. I got up and tried going to my room...key word:tried.

Reese grabbed my arm and pulled me back. my back against his chest, I didn't like that so i turned around... bad idea

I underestimated how close we actually were because when I turned around I was looking up at him making our faces v-very close.

He just stared at me and I didn't wanna be a puthayyy so i stared back-- I blew air out of my mouth and he slipped his hands around my waist.

I kinda forgot about everyone until One of them coughed. I took his arms off my waist and backed up.. but tripped and fell on someones lap

woohoo I fell on micheals lap (note the sarcasm)

"well hi their baby"

I wrinkled my nose at the nickname but that didn't stop my face from heating up.

"I'm going crazy"

I said than walked away jay tried to grab at me but I cussed him out in spanish he put his arms up with a stupid smirk on his face.

I got to my room door and yelled "I'M STRAIGHT YOU PUTA'S"...

"sure you are bunny"

I yelled at them in spanish to stop with the cringey nicknames

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