Meeting them

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It was 9AM I didn't get a drop of sleep. I hopped in the shower because well i stink—- I threw on my outfit (^up above) ran my fingers through my dark brown hair and very very slowly walked down the stairs when I heard a knock on the door. "THE DOORS UNLOCKED fucking cunt" I muttered the last part annoyed.

I plopped down on the couch when someone walked in. "Hey"— I assumed the man was talking to me but i just looked at him like 'you really expect me to respond to you' he just nodded and asked if I had my things packed. I patted my bag with a "yup" popping the P.

When we got in the car I laid my head against the window and surprisingly fell asleep

//////// time skip

I woke up to someone shaking me lightly. By reflex I grabbed the persons arm and twisted it. "AGGHH" I snapped my head up from the sound and let go when I realized it was just the man who picked me up. "Sorry" I lowly apologized. "It's fine" he said still holding his arm.

We walked up to the door the man reached his hand up to knock but the door opened and instead he knocked on someone's face. My lips twitched begging to laugh when the man gasped I busted out laughing cackling like a damn hyena. I heard someone clear their throat I looked over to the man and he had a smile on his face than I looked up to the guy who magically turned into a door in just 3 seconds and he had a glare. I glared right back—-

I'm disrespectful so knowing neither of them would understand I said "Mírate chico, no sabes con quién te estás metiendo, perra tonta" ( something about not knowing who he's messing with lol) he looked at me like I was stupid and I just smirked.

The man cleared his throat and the one standing in the door way stepped out of the way allowing us in. We walked in and well it was a house—- their was a black L shaped couches Big enough to fit well a house of boys which it was doing. Their were 4 boys on the couch all staring at us intently. "toma una foto durará más" (take a picture it'll last longer" I said. 3/4 of them looked confused whilst one of them just smirked and replied "voy a" (I will).

They all snapped their heads in his direction including me realizing that I can't talk shit about anyone knowing he understands Spanish. "Wha'd he say" one of the boys asked the guy told them what I said and they all looked at me shocked. I looked at the man with an expectant look. He cleared his throat with a "well I'll be going now" and ran out the house. I muttered a "stupid cunt" under my breath and the ones that heard me laughed. Someone grabbed my hand and as usually on reflex I grabbed their arm twisted it and swept them of their feet . "AGH FUCK" I blinked my eyes looked down and it was the one who understood me. "Lo siento" ( i'm sorry) I said he just grumbled a it's fine while getting up.

"Yooooo you just got beat up by a newbieee"

"He didn't beat me up you fucking mutt"

"No need to get hostile buddy it's not my fault you almost got knocked out"

"Suck a dick you bum"

"Already sucked yours papi"

After he said that my mind was laughing but my face was holding a blank expression. They all looked at me like they were waiting for a reaction.

"vivo con idiota's" (I live with idiots) I said

"Stop insulting us in Spanish you bimbo"

"Stop being insultable"

"That's not even a word"

"Oh it isn't..." I said nonchalantly. He rolled his eyes and said follow me.

comment what you think of the story so far:) This is my second story so I'm still pretty knew at writing and tell me if you see any spelling errors so I can fix them

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