Chapter 28

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Lisa's POV

"Excuse me, but it's your turn to rehearse on stage." A staff said knocking at our dressing room.

We all rushed to the stage and got our mics checked. We practiced three songs, including knowing where the camera is.

This is really too much for us. We haven't even had a proper sleep. I'm starting to get dizzy from the ache I feel on my temples.

We were walking back towards our dressing room when suddenly, someone was blocking my way.

When I looked up, there he was. The man who completed and shattered me. The man I believed loves me.

I avoided his gaze, because I know that when our eyes meet, I would just be reminded of how those eyes made me feel all sorts of things that I've never felt before.

He spoke first and said, "Can we talk?" I can hear the longing in his voice, or was I just imagining that.

"What for?" I asked, still not meeting his eyes.

"Please Lisa?" He asked again, and this time I heard his voice crack like he's holding back tears.

I can't resist looking at him. And that's when I saw how miserable he looked. His eyes had dark bags on them, his face has lost its glow but instead was looking gloomy and thin and it's easy to see that he had lost a lot of weight.

The sight of him almost made me want to cry. He looks as miserable as me. His eyes does not hold any warmth in them anymore, just pure sadness.

But I held myself back. We can't do this again. I can't do this to him again. If I agree to talk to him right now, we're just going to go on circles. And I don't want that for us, I don't want that for him. Our situation might be hurting the both of us now. But in time, we will both move on and eventually find someone we can love without boundaries.

"We have nothing to talk about." I said, about to leave. But Jungkook grabbed my wrist and dragged me to an empty dressing room at the end of the hall.

"Jungkook, just what do you think you're doing?" I am being hysterical. Trying to open the door.

" I told you, I want to talk." He said. Blocking the door from me, preventing me from getting out.

"And I told you. I don't want to talk." I said more clearly, in case he did not hear me the first time.

"Lisa, Please. Just hear me out." He said, holding my hand and caressing them with his soft warm hands.

I immediately yanked my hands from his touch, because who knows what will happen if I let it continue.

"If I hear you out, will you let me go?" I said, trying to put some distance between us as I got to the other end of the room.

"Yes." He said. sitting down at one of the chairs in front of the well lit mirrors.

"Okay then. I'll listen. But that doesn't mean that I'm okay with this or anything is going to change between us." I said sternly, crossing my arms against my chest to appear intimidating but in reality, I'm just protecting myself from all the things I'm feeling now that he's in front of me.

"Thank you so much babe." His face lit up. On his face appeared that very charming smile that I love, I mean loved.

"Don't call me that. We're not in a relationship, not anymore." It hurts to say those words out loud. It doesn't feel right coming out of my mouth. Instead of words, it feels like I'm letting out a thousand needles fro my mouth.

"We never broke up." Jungkook said, in a barely audible whisper.

Right after he said it, that's when I started to raise my voice.

"Never broke up? Jungkook, you were dating someone else." I practically shouted. Right now, I don't care if the whole stadium could hear me. How can he say that we never broke up?

"Well technically, we never really broke up." He said, standing up from where he was sitting and walking towards me.

"We did. We broke up when you dated that girl, we broke up when you kissed that girl." Tears were beginning to form within my eyes. Jungkook was just looking right into my eyes as he slowly made his way closer to me. "We broke up when you never picked up my calls, we broke up becau-" My sentence was cut when I suddenly felt warm lips against my own. The sensations I felt were different, different from before.

I know I should resist. I know I can't let myself give in. I can't.

But I missed him so much. No matter how much I deny it, I know deep inside that I still long for him.

I slowly felt my body betray me and slowly kissed him back.

I missed him so much. I can't even explain what I'm feeling right now.

When he finally let me go, I opened my eyes to see his big brown eyes looking directly on mine.

"I missed you. God, I missed you so much." Jungkook said, caressing my cheeks.

I can't hold it much longer and let the tears stream down my face.

"Shhh. Baby, don't cry." He wiped the tears off my face and replaced them with sweet warm kisses.

"Why? Why did you leave me?" I finally had the chance to ask.

"Oh Lisa. I never left you." He said pulling me in his arms. He ended up telling me everything and that's when everything clicked. It was all Boss' doing.

"But we can't go through with this again. Eventually both of us would just end up hurting each other." I said. Trying to put a distance between us once again.

"No. I am not losing you again." Jungkook said, taking my hands in his. "And I have a plan."


Wooh. Another one down. Writing this chapter made me feel all sorts of emotions. I hope it did the same to you.

Thank you for the 25k reads guys. This book did better than I expected when I first started it and it's all thanks to you guys. I don't deserve you guys. Thank you. Love you

I do not own the photos that I put at the beginning of every chapter.

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