♡Special Chapter♡

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Chaeyoung's POV

What the hell am I doing here? I'm supposed to be at home, relaxing, enjoying my day off. But instead I have to go around with Lisa and Jungkook on their date.

They sat on their table and I did as well. I chose to sit at the farthest table from them, in the corner where I can't be noticed.

Someone pulled the chair in front of me, and when I looked up it was Jimin.

"Umm, this is my table." I said to him, I hope he gets the signal that I really want to be alone right now.

"So? You don't own this table. I can sit wherever I want." He said.

"That's the point, you can sit wherever you want. You can sit there." I said pointing him to the table at the other end of the restaurant.

"Why would I want to sit there when I can sit here, besides I don't want to eat alone. It makes me feel uneasy." He reasoned.

"Well I don't feel comfortable eating with a stranger."

"I'm not a stranger. I'm the bestfriend of your bestfriend's boyfriend. So nothing to worry about. Besides you're not my type, so don't think that I' m going to hit on you." He said.

"Huh, excuse me. You're not my type either."

Who does he think he is? He's so full of himself. I'm not his type? Well, I don't like him either. He's not even thatgood looking. Like I'd ever like someone like him.

"Well then you have nothing to worry about. Let's just eat I'm starving." He said.

I groaned in annoyance. And he laughed. I don't know why, but I already know that this is going to be a very long day.

Jimin's POV

I gotta admit, I find it amusing when she's mad. Her face becomes so red. Our food arrived, and for a girl she really eats well. I wonder how she managed to have that thin body when she eats this much? Either way, I think she's adorable.

"What are you looking at?" She said.

"Nothing, you just seem like you're so hungry." I chuckled.

"What do you expect? I'm stressed." She said with a full mouth.

I just laughed in response. And she glared at me while still stuffing up her face.

I like how she's being natural. That she's speaking her mind and not trying to be someone she's not.

After we ate, Jungkook called us, and I know that he's planning to take Lisa to the ammusement park.

"Jimin hyung, you and Chaeyoung don't have to come if you guys don't want to, Lisa and I will be fine on our own." He said.

"It's fine Jungkook. The others are still at the jjimjilbang, and I don't want to stay at the house alone." I replied.

"How about you Chaeyoung? Do you want to go home?" Lisa asked Chaeyoung.

"No, I don't want to stay at home alone either so, yeah I think I'll stick with you guys." Chaeyoung replied. Huh? I thought she hated this? Maybe she really don't want to be home alone.

"Okay then. You guys can tag along." Jungkook said.

When we were in the car, Chaeyoung was sitting beside me. Well, sort of. She was sitting so far away from me like I have a contagious disease.

I looked at her direction and she looked back, based on her expression I know that she's uncomfortable with this whole thing.

"Why did you stay?" She whispered at me.

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