Chapter 22

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(Back to when Lisa and Jungkook's dating scandal first exploded. Chapter 11)

Jungkook's POV

"Jeon Jungkook from BTS has been rumored to have been dating someone after he was seen going on a date last night. People have been saying that the girl he was with was Lisa from BLACKPINK. But it was confirmed by Mr. Yang the CEO of YG Entertainment that this assumption was false. However, he also confirmed that the girl was not Lisa but a trainee on his company." The announcer on TV said.

At this point I don't even know how I would react. Just when I thought that we're doing just fine. Then this happened.

It feels like a never ending cycle. Lisa and I just can't catch a break.

I feel my knees get wobbly so I decided to take a seat on the couch. I let out a sigh. And took my time to collect my thoughts.

I haven't been home that long, but somehow I managed to get Lisa in trouble. I know that she never intended for any of these to happen and that we're both just being controlled like lifeless dummies.

While I was drowning on my thoughts, my phone went off.

"Hello?" I answered, not even bothering to look who it is.

"Jungkook, Mr. Yang just called and he has summoned the both of us for a meeting at YG building." He said. Even when I can't see his face I can sense that he's also stressed out.

"Is this about the dating scandal?" I asked. Even though I already know.

"Yes. And I believe it's about something more." I heard Bang PD-nim say on the other end of the line.

I suddenly had no strength to move. All of this is just too much for me to handle.

After a few minutes I am once again standing outside of the YG building.

Everytime I go to this place. I end up doing something so stupid. I just hope this time would be different.

Bang PD-nim and I entered Mr. Yang's office. I expected to see Lisa sitting there waiting for us together with Mr. Yang, but this time it's just him.

Mr. Yang must've seen that I was looking for someone.

"Oh, Mr. Jeon. Lisa won't be joining us today. This meeting is something that should just be discussed between us." He said, with that smirk on his face that always makes me uncomfortable.

I decided to ignore what he just said and took my seat. Just when we're about to start, my phone started ringing.

I looked and it was Lisa. I decided to ignore it, but she just kept calling.

"Can you please turn your phone off? Whoever that is can wait." Mr. Yang said, looking at me with a scowl look on his face.

I know that Lisa is just worried that I'm about to do something crazy, so before I turn my phone off I left her a text.

I love you.

"So Mr. Bang, I know that you know the reason why I decided to call both of you here today. It's because your artist over here keeps making trouble. And staining the name of my company." Mr. Yang started.

Bang PD-nim decided to speak up. "Why can't you just forgive Jungkook's behaviour and let Ms. Manoban and Jungkook have a peaceful and normal relationship."

"No. I invested a lot on those girls. And I am not losing every cent I put out on those girls just because one of them is stupid enough to have a boyfriend. You know what happens to idols once they get involved in relationships." Mr. Yang said. He's definitely angry now. I can almost see steam coming out of his ears.

I almost broke loose of the restraint that I have. I don't thunk I can just sit here and listen to him say any kind of insult to my girlfriend.

"So, what do you want me to do then?" I spoke out.

They both looked at me like they forgot I was even in the room.

"You must have something planned. If you dragged us all the way here." I said.

"Well yes indeed I do Mr. Jeon." He said quite cheerfully. "Have you seen the news earlier today?"

"Yes." I don't think I like where this is going.

"I want you to do just what the announcers reported. You are going to make it look like you're dating one of my trainees. And you will stay away from my artist." He said casually.

I on the other hand. My mind just went blank. After a little while I finally had the courage to speak out.

"No." I said. Without any expression on my face.

He let out a fake laugh then asked "What?".

"I said, no. I am not going to do this. You can do whatever you want, but I am not going to let you control me and my relationship with Lisa." I can almost hear my heartbeat with how loud it is pounding on my chest.

"What are you going to do then?" He doesn't seem shaken at all with my respond. He seems like he is somehow expecting me to say these things to him.

"Fine. Do as you wish. I am only giving you the chance to clean Lisa's name. But fine. Go ahead date freely. What do you think is going to happen to Lisa's career hmm? She will just slowly wither away from her fame, her dreams and everything she have worked for." He chuckled. "Think this through Mr. Jeon. If you do something wreck less it can not only affect you but her as well. So if I were you,I would make my decisions wisely."

As soon as he said those words. I just felt defeated. He's right. If I choose to be with Lisa, it will destroy her career. I feel trapped. I feel useless. I feel helpless. I have no other choice.

"Okay. But on one condition." I said. Defeated.

"What is it?" He smiled at me.

"I get to spend time with her."


And that's when he took Lisa to New York.

OMG. I hadn't realized that I already have like 15K reads.🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊

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