Chapter 21

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Lisa's POV

We're back at the hotel, packing our things up.

Jungkook hasn't really spoken a word since his phone call with Namjoon oppa. I looked over at him and his face holds no expression at all. He's busy putting all his stuff in his bag.

"Babe? Is something wrong?" I asked, but he didn't budge. He didn't hear me at all.

"Jungkook. Are you okay?" I tried again and I finally caught his attention.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit bummed about our trip being cut short." He said, then got back to arranging his stuff.

"It's okay, we can come back again next time when we both find the time." I said, in hopes that that would cheer him up a bit.

He turned to me and said, "Yeah, we should do that." Then out of nowhere, pulled me in a tight hug.

"Maybe next time, I'll be the one to surprise you." I said, while hugging him back.

"I doubt it. You're not really the type of person who knows how to pull off a surprise." He said then laughed so hard.

I hit him on the arm. And it just made him laugh more. He let go of our hug but kept his hands on my cheeks, softly caressing it.

Then suddenly his expression changed. A flash of sadness peeked through his eyes.

"I love you." He said, while looking straight into my eyes. "Always remember that okay?"

"I love you." And don't you forget it too." I said with assurance.

After a long tiring flight, we're finally back in Korea. We are currently waiting on the lounge. It's dark already.

"Look babe. I already contacted your manager. He'll be the one to pick you up. Don't worry, the airport is clear. No one will know you're here." Jungkook said.

"What about you?" I don't want him to get caught.

"Don't worry about me. I have my car outside. I have to head over at the company. I'll see you soon okay?" He gave me a quick kiss goodbye then he's out the door.

Looking back from the trip that we just had, we never really had anything sorted out. I never really had the answers that I was looking for.

I guess that's just how things work. Maybe there are things that are just better left unsaid.

I got to our dorm and everyone is already asleep. I'm trying to quietly walk to my room when,


Chaeyoung suddenly opened her door. I was so shocked that I almost screamed.

"What the. . . Chaeyoung I almost had a heart attack. I thought you were asleep?"

"I couldn't sleep. How was your trip?" She asked.

"It was okay, but it was cut short because Jungkook has stuff to take care of. And he said that you called Namjoon oppa?" I continued to walk to my room and she followed me.

"Oh yeah, because Manager was looking for you. We need to finalize everything for our upcoming comeback and do a lot of rehearsing for the tour." She asked.

I almost forgot about that. The tour, the comeback. It seems like everything is just passing through my head.

I hadn't realized that I've zoned out, until Chaeyoung spoke.

"Can I sleep in your room?" She said.

"Why? Is something bothering you?" I asked eyeing her.

"Nothing, I just couldn't sleep." She said then crawled under my sheets.

She never sleeps with any of us unless there's something wrong. I decided not to push it. If she wants to tell me she'll tell me.

I changed my clothes brushed my teeth and washed my face.

Then I scooched in next to Chaeyoung who is now snoring quite loudly. And she said she can't sleep.

After a few moments, sleep finally took me to a peaceful bliss.

"Lisa! Lisa!" Get up. You have to wake up now!" I was woken up by Chaeyoung screaming her lungs out at the kitchen.

"What? What's wrong?" I checked the time on my phone and it's only six o' clock in the morning.

"Lisa!, you have to get up now!" She said, now making her way into my room.

"You better have a good reason in waking me up at six in the morning." I said, rubbing the sleep off my eyes.

"Oh I do. We're heading over at YG, we're finally going to have our meeting for the tour. And finalizing our music video concept." She said, so excited.

My eyes widen in surprise. 

"Is that today?" I mean I'm not complaining, but this is just wonderful, finally having a new song to show our fans.  And on top of that, our upcoming tour.

"I know, I guess our fans really made their point on wanting a comeback." She said with a wide smile on her face. "Now get up and take a shower, I already made breakfast." 

I quickly got up and took a shower. When I got to the Kitchen all of the girls are already there.

"Good morning!" Jennie unnie greeted as soon as I got there. 

"So? How was your trip?" Jisoo unnie said, with a smirk on her lips.

"It was okay, we had to come back early because Jungkook has to work again." I am really disappointed about the trip, but it's still the best since we still had the chance to spend some time together.

"They are always so busy, I wonder if they still have time to rest?" Jennie unnie said.

That got me thinking, Jungkook doesn't really have the time to have a proper rest, every time he's free he would spend his time with me, I know that he wants to spend some time together as much as possible, but there's only so much that the both of us can handle.

We're in the middle of the meeting, and I decided to check on my phone. I haven't had a single message from Jungkook since yesterday.

Maybe he's just really busy

I decided to send him a message

"Hi babe, good morning, hope you have a good day and don't forget to eat a delicious meal okay?"

It's been an hour and still nothing. This is becoming a constant thing now, he never responds to my messages anymore. And every time he does this he always has something up his sleeves.

After a few days, the concept for our music video has been finalized. We're all super excited and I really really hope that our fans will like it.

I still haven't heard anything from Jungkook I hope he's okay, maybe he just have another surprise for me, I can't help but smile. He's becoming so predictable.

"Okay girls, Now that the concept is all settled, we're going through the making of the choreography now okay? We already have the song finalized also. Maybe we'll be ale to start next week." Manager said to the four of us.

On the way home I was scrolling through Instagram and I came across a BTS poster that's going to be used for their tour. The places they'll go to together with the dates will be out tomorrow.

I'm so proud of them. I continued scrolling and this time I did not like what I saw.

My vision started to go blurry, I felt tears running down my face.

"This can't be happening." 


I am finally back. Still recovering from my little accident. So sorry, I just kept on making you guys wait. I hope you will continue to support this book. There are only a few chapters left, so hang in there guys.

Thank you for all the support that OCL gets. I am so thankful for everyone. It's so good to read you're opinions on my book. 

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