Chapter 27

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Lisa's POV

"Who is it?" I asked before opening the door. But no one answered and continued to ring the doorbell.

I started to panic. Why isn't that person answering?

I decided to open the door a little bit to see who it was. And just like that I was completely taken aback.

"Oppa, you scared me. Why didn't you answer when I asked who's on the door?" I almost had a heart attack.

"Sorry, I had to get back to the car after I rang the doorbell."He said.

"Just don't do it again. Why are you here anyway? I thought we got the rest of the day off?" We really need to rest. I feel like my limbs are about o fall off.

"That's what we thought. But we just got a call a few minutes ago that you have to rehearse for the award show performance tomorrow." Manager said.

I genuinely don't know how to react. We were literally on a plane just a few hours ago.

"Oppa, can't we just do this tomorrow? Me and the girls are all very tired. We need a break." I tried to persuade him.

"I'm sorry Lisa, but Boss really wanted you girls to be prepared for the award show tomorrow." He said. Pity is so visible on his face.

"Fine, I'll wake the girls up." I said, and made my way to wake the others up.

"Girls, wake up. We suddenly have something to do today." I shouted from outside their doors.

Chaeyoung opened her bedroom door looking furious.

"I thought we get to rest today?" Chaeyoung whined. Making it very clear that she's not having it.

"What are we even doing?" Jisoo unnie came out from her room looking pissed. Then she spotted manager on the living room.

"Yah, Oppa. We haven't even had a proper sleep. Can't we sleep, even for a few hours?" Jennie unnie said to manager.

"I'm so sorry girls, but you're going to have to suck it up until tomorrow, then you're free to rest." Oppa said. Sadness is clearly visible from his face.

We packed the stuff that we'll need for the rehearsal, and in a few minutes we are once again out of the door.

While in the car, Jennie unnie suddenly spoke. "Oppa, I don't think you've mentioned which award show we'll be attending to".

"Have you girls been living under a rock. How come you don't know which award show?" Manager said, while focusing his eyes on the road.

"Well clearly we weren't informed and we were very busy these past couple of weeks." Jennie unnie said back.

Manager let out a sigh and said, "Melon Music Awards. That's where you'll be attending." Manager said. "How can you not know?" He then whispered to himself.

Melon? I was shocked. Was it really that time again?.

Will he be there?

No. No Lisa. Let's not overthink this. So what if he's there. You just had to have the strength to ignore him. He doesn't affect you anymore. It's already been a while since you've broken up. It's okay.

The thoughts inside my head are going wild that I almost feel a little nauseous.

Chaeyoung must have noticed my uneasiness. She took hold of my hand and asked, "You okay?" Her eyes full of worry.

I tried to assure her that I'm fine, but she wasn't convinced.

Soon after, we arrived at Gocheok Sky Dome, where Melon always takes place. And as soon as we got in, we can already hear the voices of those rehearsing on stage.

It's him. I can hear his sweet voice singing. The voice of the man that I once loved and still does.

I can't believe that after everything he still has the same effect on me. My heart thumping out of my chest, just by hearing his voice. I almost teared up again, thankfully Jisoo unnie held me in her arms, gave me an assuring smile almost as if telling me that it's going to be fine. And we got to our dressing room to get ready.

"Lisa, are you okay?" Jennie unnie asked.

"Yes, unnie. I'm fine." I said smiling at her, hoping that she'll stop worrying.

But the truth is, I'm not okay. Everything about this place, this award show, reminds me of him.

This is where we first met. This is where it all began. How did it come to this?

I can't blame him for leaving me. He deserves someone better. Somebody that he's free to love. Someone that will love him without boundaries. Maybe this really is just for the best.


Closer and closer to the end guys. So please hang in there.

(The pictures that I put at the beginning of every chapters are not mine.)

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