Chapter 6

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Jungkook's POV

"Finally. We get to go home." Namjoon hyung said with a wide smile plastered on his face. We've been in the states for a while. And I really miss home.

"Yeah. I'm so exhausted. Don't get me wrong. I love performing but I really need a break." Said Suga hyung as he sits down at the couch.

We're just at our hotel room, resting before our flight back to Korea tonight. I grabbed my phone and was about to call Lisa when I suddenly had a bright idea to surprise her when I got back.

"What are your plans when we get home?" I asked them.

"I think I just want to relax. Maybe go to a jjimjilbang." Jin hyung said.

"That sounds like fun. Can I go with you?" Jhope hyung said excitedly.

"Why don't we all go?" Namjoon hyung proposed.

"I think Jungkook has some other plans." Jhope hyung said with a teasing tone.

"Of course he's going to see Lisa first." Suga hyung said, joining in on the teasing, and everyone started laughing.

"Don't you guys ever get tired of teasing me?" I said with a pout.

"I don't think we'll ever get tired of teasing you Jungkook." Namjoon hyung said, letting out a laugh.

"So? What are your plans when we get home?" Taehyung asked me.

"I'll visit Lisa of course." I miss her so much. She's the first person I want to see when we get back.

"Ha. I knew it." Suga hyung said. "Taehyung, why did you even bother to ask?" They're at it again.

"Okay. I think that's enough for today. We need to have a good rest for our flight tonight." Namjoon hyung said, interrupting our little teasing fest.

"Fine." We all said in unison. And got up to go to our rooms.

I wonder what she's doing. We've been so busy I never had time to even make one phone call.

I bet she's being cranky. She always gets so worried when I don't call. Especially when I'm away.

I wonder what I can surprise her with?

Lost in thought. I didn't even notice Jimin hyung coming in my room.

"Can I borrow your charger? Mine's not working." He asked me.

"Sure. Hyung." He came into my room to get my charger from my bedside table. "Can I ask you something?" I suddenly asked.

"Of course. What's up?" He questioned sitting on my bed.

"Well. I want to do something special for Lisa tomorrow, but I can't think of anything." I will probably regret asking for his advice but, oh well.

"Does she know that you're coming home?"

"No. Why?" I asked

"You can simply go to her. You know she'll be happy just by seeing you."

"No. I want it to be special." I really want it to be something that she'll always remember.

"Like a date?" He asked. I knew it. I shouldn't have asked for his suggestions.

"Yeah. Something like that."

"I know what to do. Just leave it to me." He said confidently.

"Are you sure?" I really don't think I can trust him with this.

"Yes, just trust me." He began to get up and left my room.

"Well I guess I have no choice but to trust him."

※Night of the flight※

We are about to take off any minute now. Finally going home. I can finally have time to do what I want, even for a little while.

I sat on my seat. And Jimin hyung was sitting next to me.

"So? Do you have a plan?" I asked him.

"Of course I do." He said with a smirk.

"Well? What is it?" I am not very. comfortable with this. Who knows what he's going to come up with.

"I actually reserved two tables at a very well-known restaurant in Seoul. You're going to love it. It's a very nice place. No need to thank me." He said, being proud.

"What? How can we dine at a restaurant? We can't be seen in public." How can he not think of that? I mean seriously?

"Oh shoot." He said. "I forgot about that. Sorry."

"What am I going to do now?" It's hopeless. There's no way that I can..." Wait a minute.

"What exactly is the address of the restaurant?" I asked Jimin hyung.

"Oh it's at○○○○○. Why?"

"It's not that far from Lisa's dorm. Maybe I can ask someone to take care of this."

Thank goodness the plane is still on the ground. I took out my phone and started to call her.

"Hello? Jungkook?" She said on the other line.

"Chaeyoung, thank goodness. I need your help."

"Why? What is it?"

"The thing is, I kinda need you to take care of something for me. You see, I was planning a surprise date for Lisa and something went wrong."

"A surprise date? Better be a good one. She's not in a very nice mood lately." She said with a chuckle.

"Well, I asked Jimin hyung for help and he said he's going to take care of it. Turns out, he made a reservation at a restaurant."

"What? But you two can't be seen in public together."

"I know. So I thought maybe you can do something about it?"

"Do you want to stick with the restaurant idea?" She questioned.

"We've never actually eaten outside before. So yeah, I think she'll love it."

"Which restaurant?"

"Jimin hyung said it's at ○○○○. It's not far from your dorm."

"I could book the whole restaurant? I can go there right now." I know I can count on her. She's such a good friend.

"Thank you so much. I owe you."

"Don't mention it. Besides, I can't stand Lisa's tantrums anymore." I heard her laugh. I can't help but join in and laugh at what she said. Because I know how Lisa can be.

"Okay. Thanks again."

"Sure. Oh wait. When are you coming home again?"

"I should be there at ten."

"Okay. Bye." Then she hung up.

Problem solved. She's a great friend. I'm glad Lisa has her.

"So? You took care of it?" Jimin hyung asked.

"Yeah. Thanks for trying hyung." I said with a laugh.

"Hey, at least I did something." He said with a smile on his face.

The plane took off. And my thoughts were once again occupied by a certain someone.

This is going to be the longest flight of my life.


Chapter 6 everyone. Get ready for the next chapter. Finally they are going to be together.😱😱😱 Please stay, stay, stay with me🎶🎵😹😹😹

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