Chapter 11

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Jungkook's POV

After Lisa and I ate, I suggested that she should go home and take some rest. But she insisted on coming to work.

"Just go home and get some rest. Can't they just cut you some slack after what just happened?" I'm trying my best to convince her into going home but she's just too stubborn to listen to me.

I don't know how she has the strength to keep working after what just happened.

"I already told you. I don't need to rest. I want to work. Besides, we have lots of work to do because of our upcoming comeback." She said.

"Fine. You can go to work if you want. I'm just very worried that's all." I told her. Taking her hand in mine.

"Stop worrying. We've been through this before. I know how to cope with it now. So stop acting like my Dad." She chuckled, holding my hand tightly.

"Fine. Fine. I'll drive you there." I suggested.

"No. It's fine, someone might see us. Manager will come pick me up. I'll be okay, stop being so paranoid." She said with a laugh.

"I'm not paranoid. I'm just..." I tried to reason. But she cut me off.

"Paranoid?" She chuckled.

"Ha.. Ha.. Very funny." I mocked. 

Lisa just laughed at my actions.

"Stop being such a baby." She said chuckled.

"But, I'm your baby." I teased.

"Eeeew. Will you please stop it with those cheesy pick up lines. I will literally throw up." She said with a disgusted look on her face.

"Oh, but you love it." I countinued to tease her.

"No I don't"

"Yes, you do." I said playfully. Wiggling my eyebrows.

"You look ridiculous." She laughed. "You know what? You should go. You're the one who needs some rest." She said.

"I'm not going to leave you here." I argued. Does she really expect me to just leave her here alone.

"Babe. Please? Just go home and get some rest. Manager will be here soon. It's not that far from work. So, you can go. I'll be fine." She assured me. I don't know if I really should go. After what just happened today, the more I wanted to stay by her side.

I know there's something that she's not telling me. And I know that she will need some time to tell me every bit of what happened. But for that, she will need some time to think things through.

"Okay. I'll go home. But please text me when you got there." I said.

"I will." She said with a small smile on her face.

I pulled her in for a tight hug. Not wanting to let her go. I just want to stay like this forever.

"I love you" She said, breaking our hug and pressing her forehead against mine.

"I love you too, so much." I said back. Then pressed a lingering kiss on her lips.

"Okay. Now go." She said playfully pushing me away.

"Fine, fine. I'll go." I chuckled.

I started to walk towards my car. Looking back to her one last time before going inside.

She waved goodbye. And I did the same. I got in the car and drove away.

It's crazy to think that all that drama just happened this morning.

I got home. All I wanted to do is to lay on my bed and try to relax, which I know is impossible.

I wonder how the meeting with Mr. Yang go? I hope Bang PD-nim had sorted things out.

I was just about to go inside my room, when I heard Taehyung call me.

"Jungkook" He said, walking towards me.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"So? How did it go? Is Lisa okay?" He asked. I can see the worry painted all over his face.

"I don't really know what to tell you. Nothing is really sorted out. And Lisa she acts as if everything's fine, but I know that there is something she's not telling me." I sighed.

"Oh. Well I'm sure she'll come around. And whatever it is, maybe she just wants to deal with it on her own." He said.

"Yeah. Maybe she does." I don't want her to deal with it on her own. I'm her boyfriend. She can tell me if she has problems. I want to help her anyway I can.

"Okay then. You should get some rest. You look like crap." He joked.

"Thanks man." I said being sarcastic.

"You're welcome." He laughed.

"Where are the others?" The house is pretty quiet.

"Oh, they got out to get something to eat. Yoongi hyung is sleeping in his room." He said.

"Oh. Okay. If anyone needs me I'll be in my room." I told him.

I opened the foor to my room, about to go in when Taehyung said.

"Jungkook" He called.


"Everything's going to be fine." He said.

For some reason, those words really gave me comfort. For all the bad things that happened today, those words are what I really need to hear.

I just nodded at him in response.

I got in my room and laid on my bed. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Jungkook. Jungkook."

I heared someone call.

"Jungkook. Wake up." I opened my eyes and saw Namjoon hyung.

"What? What time is it?" I asked.

"Jungkook, there's something you need to see." He said. Dragging me all the way to the living room.

"What is it?" I asked. He just pointed at the TV. Then it hit me.

"Jeon Jungkook from BTS has been rumored to have been dating someone after he was seen going on a date last night. People have been saying that the girl he was with was Lisa from BLACKPINK. But it was confirmed by Mr. Yang the CEO of YG Entertainment that this assumption was false. However, he also confirmed that the girl was not Lisa but a trainee on his company." The announcer on TV said.

I just froze. I feel numb. I don't know what to do. What is going on? What?



Whaaaaat?😱😱😱😱 Haha. I really made YG the antagonist😂😂😂😂 So? What doyou guys think. Please leave a comment and vote.

Thank you so much for the 2000 reads and that 100 votes. That's crazy🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆 I didn't expect for this to go this far. All thanks to you guys. You're amazing.


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