Chapter 24

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Lisa's POV

It's been two weeks since the incident. I haven't spoken to Jungkook since then. I've been drowning myself on work, trying to forget about him. I can't believe that he didn't even have the decency to break up with me the proper way. He just decided to disappear. I have distanced myself from social media as well, I barely touch my phone anymore. 

It's a good thing that we have so much going on for our comeback and tour. We are currently on the set for the music video of our new song. The four of us are all so excited. After a few hours, we are done for the day. The rest of the girls decided to go home early, but I don't want to go home and just lie in my room, I have to keep myself occupied to avoid having thoughts about a certain someone. 

"You girls should go ahead, I think I'll go by the company and practice some dancing." I said to the girls.

"Lisa, you should go home and rest. You've lost a lot of weight. Let's go home and I'll cook you something delicious." Jisoo unnie said to me.

"Unnie, I'm fine. I'll be quick." I replied. I put on a smile to prove to her that I am really doing fine. But she can see right through me.

"Okay, we'll get going then. You'll be quick okay? Don't get too tired." She bid me goodbye.

Before going on their way, Chaeyoung looked back and gave me a tight hug. I hugged her back.

"What's this for?" I asked, referring to the hug.

"I just thought you need it." She said softly. Then caught up to Jennie and Jisoo unnie.

When I arrived at the dance studio, I just started playing a random song and let my body do it's thing. I just let my emotions break through my dance. It's like all the emotions that I've been suppressing just seeps out of my dancing. I lost track of time. It was already night by the time I'm done.

I got back to the dorm and all three of the girls are waiting for me.

"Where have you been? You got us all worried." Jennie unnie said, looking so worried.

"I told you guys, I'll be at the studio." I told them.

"You said, you'll be quick." Jisoo unnie said. I can't tell if she's worried or angry. But either way I appreciate that they care about me enough to be worried about me.

"I'm sorry I lost track of time." I apologized. I really should've got home earlier. I made my way to my bedroom to my bedroom to change clothes. I just finished when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said. It was Chaeyoung. "Oh hey, what's up?" I said to her.

"Lisa, how are you really?" She asked, I studied the look on her face. I can tell that she's really concerned of me.

"I'm fine." That's all I can say to her, I'm not really that good in hiding my emotions. I know that she can tell that I'm faking it, the three of them could. But she decided not to push any answers from me anymore.

"It's really tough huh." She let out a sigh. "When we were trainees, all we wanted was to debut, to live our dreams, to make music and to sing. We never really thought that we'll be having some restraints like we're some kind of horses. Always held back, controlled and meant to just look ahead." Chaeyoung said. I didn't say anything back to her, because I know that if I did, I will just start crying again.

"I know what you're doing." She said, capturing my eyes with hers. "I know that you're making work a distraction to get you through the pain. But it doesn't have to be like that. We're here for you Lisa. You don't have to carry the pain, the burden all by yourself. We can help you through this." She pulled me in for a hug. And that's when I started to let go of all the emotions that I'm holding back.

"I hate you. Look what you made me do." I joked referring to me crying, and started laughing while tears still running down my face.

"You look like an idiot laughing while crying." She laughed as well, wiping the tears from my face. "Let's go to the kitchen and eat dinner. I'm starving." She said. Then left.

"Yeah, I'll be right there." I feel refreshed. I feel like a heavy load had just been lifted off my shoulders. I freshened up and joined the girls for dinner. And for the first time in a while. I started to smile and laugh again.

Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook, come on, you have to get up from bed and eat something." I heared Namjoon hyung said from the other side of my bedroom door.

"I'm not hungry hyung." I said, my voice all raspy.

"Come on, you haven't had a decent meal in a week." He said, almost begging me to get out of my room. I didn't even bother answering.

Two weeks. It's only been two weeks, since I broke my girlfriend's heart. I don't even know if I can still call her that.

I just spent my days in bed. I don't even bother to take a shower. I bet I look like a mess right now. We don't really have that much going on right now, we have to lay low until people forget about the dating scandal.

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the pictures on my phone. I came across a picture that I took of Lisa back in New York. She was smiling so brightly. I hope that even after what I've done to her, she will keep on having that bright charming smile on he beautiful face. I won't ever forgive myself if she'll end up making herself suffer from my actions.

I miss her so much. I would give anything to be with her right now. To hold her so tight against me. To see her face one last time and to apologize for the pain that I've cost her.


Thank you so much for all the sweet feedback on my book. I really appreciate your appreciation on this story. I hope you'll be in this journey up to the coming end.

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(The pictures that I put on the beginning of every chapter is not mine. I just find them on instagram.)

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