Chapter 5

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Lisa's POV 

"Damn it. What the hell is wrong with this thing?" I am losing my patience.

"Lisa? What are you doing? I can hear you all the way outside." Jennie unnie said approaching the kitchen.

"Ah. Unnie. Sorry if I'm being too loud. I was just going to feed Leo (Lisa's cat) but I can't open this damn can." I swear I'm not going to buy this brand of cat food ever again. In fact I don't ever want to see it ever again."

"Hey take it easy, it's just cat food." She said with a laugh. "Here let me." She took the can from me before I had the chance to let my anger out at it.

"Here you go." She said handing me the can of cat food. Of course it opened when she tried it. "Hey, are you okay? You seem to be in a very bad mood lately." She asked, concerned.

"It's nothing unnie. I was just stressed out I guess." I said, trying to ease her worrying.

"Are you sure?" She's obviously not buying it. But she decided to let it go.

"Yes unnie. Thanks for opening this thing." I said, referring to the can from hell.

"Anytime." She chuckled. "Oh. Lisa, I almost forgot. Chaeyoung said that she wants to get something to eat. Do you want to come?"

"Sure unnie. I'm starving." Only when she asked did I feel my hunger. I just realized that I haven't had a proper meal yet.

"Okay. We'll wait for you outside." She said as she was getting out of the kitchen.

I fed Leo, and then went to my room to grab my stuff. When I took hold of my phone, I checked if there were missed calls or texts. And yet again I was disappointed.

He said he was going home. I guess it's going to take a while.

When I got all my things. I met the girls outside and we went on to find someplace to have a good meal.

"What do you guys want to eat?" I asked them.

"Do you guys want to have some gamjatang?" Chaeyoung said.

"Are you sure you want some gamjatang?" I asked, completely stunned.

"Of course I do. What's so surprising about that?" She said in a defensive tone.

"Oh nothing. It's just that. The last time we ate gamjatang you had like three bowls and almost threw up. And you also said that you can't even stand the smell or the sight of it." She's acting weird.

"Well now I want to try it again. Is that a crime?" Okay, now I know something is up, she's being defensive.

Her face is starting to go red, maybe because I ask too many questions.

"Okay then. Just so you know I'm not going to clean up if you made a mess." I teased. She's so mad that I can almost see smoke coming out from her nose. It's so funny that I can't help but to let out a laugh.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's just go to this gamjatang place cause I am hungry." Jisoo unnie said.

We continued walking, and after a little while I could see the gamjatang restaurant getting near.

Thank goodness. I'm hungry and emotionally drained. I just want to eat, and worry about nothing right now.

"Don't you guys think that we should've asked Manager to drive us?" Jisoo unnie suggested.

"It's okay unnie. We can walk. There isn't that much people outside today." Jennie unnie gently said.

My mind isn't really paying attention to my surroundings because it was busy thinking about a certain someone who is being a little insensitive. This is becoming a frequent thing with him now.

I wonder what he's doing right now. Is he alright? Does his feet still hurt? I hope he's getting enough rest.

Wait a minute. Ughh Lisa. You just said that you're not going to worry. Today, you're just going to relax. Okay?

But how am I supposed to relax? Not knowing what's going on with him. Maybe I should call him?

What? Why are you always the one to call him? He should be the one to call you.

Great. Now I'm having an argument with myself.

I can't help it. Call me clingy, but I really can't help it. I have to call him.

"We're here!" Chaeyoung said, louder than how it should be.

"What's wrong with you today? You're acting weird." I'm really starting to get suspicious.

"Who me? Acting weird? No I'm not" She said with a forced laugh.

"Lisa, she's fine, she's just hungry. Let's just go inside." Jennie unnie told me.

We got to the gamjatang place. And there's no one there. This place doesn't even look like a gamjatang restaurant. This restaurant obviously serves expensive food.

"Umm guys? Are you sure we're in the right place? Cause there's no one here. This place doesn't even look like they serve gamjatang." What's going on? "Chaeyoung, where are we?"

"Well, you see.. The thing is.." She tried to explain, but she was cut off by someone behind us.

"What? You don't like the place?" I heard someone behind me.

When I turned to see who it was, It's like all my worries were thrown out the window and replaced by pure happiness.




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