Chapter 16

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Junkook's POV

I honestly didn't think that I can pull this off. but I somehow did. I was so relieved when Lisa finally agreed on going. I know it's a very risky thing to do but at the moment I really don't care. The whole time I planned this trip I was just thinking about being with her and spending some time together. 

We are currently in on the plane, and it has been five hours since our departure from Korea, and she is soundly sleeping in my arms. I studied her while she was peacefully sleeping. I tried memorizing every feature of her beautiful face. Her long lashes, her white fair skin almost like glass and her long silky hair that I love caressing between my fingers. I would give anything just to stay this way and freeze time. 

I know that when all of this is over, everything is going to go back to the way it was. And I don't ever want to go back to how it was supposed to be.

Lisa's POV

I woke up to the sound of Jungkook's voice singing beside me. I didn't even realize that I fell asleep on his shoulder. "What time is it?" I tried to ask him but instead, it came out as a mumble. He still understood it somehow. "It's three in the morning babe. You've been sleeping for like 5 hours." He said in a chuckle. 

How on earth did I sleep for that long. I  wasn't usually comfortable in sleeping on planes, but I guess, this time is an exception. "What were you doing while I was hibernating?" I joked. And he let out a small laugh. "I was listening to music. You were really knocked out. You must've been tired." The look on his face changed so quickly from looking all goofy to being the overthinking boyfriend.

"Don't be so dramatic. I'm fine. How about you? Did you sleep at all?" I asked. "I'm fine babe. I got a little nap, but I'm not really tired." He replied.

After a while, We asked one of the flight attendants for our meal, because we then realized that we have skipped dinner, both of us felt really dumb for forgetting it and we can't stop laughing. We ate our dinner while making some small talks. It was nice, I get to catch up with him. These past few days we weren't really communicating as much as we use to.

"Babe, what do you think about our situation so far?" He suddenly turned serious. "What situation?" I asked.

"This. After all the issues that we're dealing with. Does it change anything that you feel about me?" What is he talking about? "I don't understand. Babe, listen to me. There is nothing that will ever change how much I love you okay?" How can he think that just because we're having a bit of a problem that I am going to change how I feel about him?

"Nothing?" He asked. "Nothing." I assured him. And he looked somewhat relieved. 

     "Does everyone know that we're going out of the country?" I asked Jungkook. I know that Chaeyoung knows, she probably helped plan this whole thing. "No, but I think they do now. You know how Cheayoung gets." And we both got into a fit of laughter. "I was thinking the same thing" I said.

     "I just realized that I still don't know where the hell we're going." I said. He just smirked and said, "You'll see,"

     "Okay folks, fasten your seat belts as we make our descent to the beautiful city of New York" I heard the pilot say.

"Wait. New York?"


Hey guys, it's been a while. A lot has been going on lately. I have school and my job. So sorry for the very long delay.

Well. Here it is. Expect more chapters soon. Because NO school for me. Thank god for Christmas vacation.

Happy holidays everyone.

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