Chapter 2

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Jungkook's POV

I miss her.

I miss her smile, I miss her laugh and I miss her hugs.

It's been a couple of weeks since we last saw each other. I can't wait to get back to Korea and spend time with her.

I can't believe it has already been a year since she agreed to be my girlfriend. I just can't help myself anymore. I can't hold myself back, everything about her just draws me in. How can I not fall for her gorgeous face, her charming and glowing personality and her pure heart. A smile appeared on my face as I recall what happened that day she agreed to be mine, I felt like the luckiest man.

"Hey Jungkook! You look like an idiot smiling there by yourself". Jimin hyung said as the others laughed. I don't know why, but they always tease me whenever they find the time. I feel like it somehow became their favorite pastime.

I don't know what it is. But the youngest always ends up being the one who has to deal with all the teasing.

"Let him be guys, he must have been thinking about Lisa again." said Namjoon hyung.

We just got back to our hotel here in Los Angeles after a whole day of interviews. Who knew interviews can be so exhausting.

"Go ahead, laugh all you want, soon you're going to know what it feels like to be in love."I said, not losing the smile on my face.

"I don't think Yoongi hyung will ever be in love. Hahaha" Taehyung said. "Huh?" Yoongi hyung who just woke up asked. We all started laughing.

After our teasing session, we each go to our rooms to rest for another busy schedule tomorrow. Before going to sleep I decided to call Lisa. After a few rings she finally answered.

"Took you long enough." I said to her with a chuckle.

"Sorry, I was in the middle of something." she replied with a giggle that I love.

"Oh? What?" I asked.

"Thinking of you."She said with a small laugh.

"You should really stop that, you're making me miss you more." I said, smiling like a complete idiot.

She just laughed at my response and said, "Are you busy?"

"No. We just got back to our hotel to have some rest, you? Are you busy?".

"Yeah. I'm actually in a photo shoot." She replied.

"Oh shoot... I called at a bad time didn't I?". These days, it's really hard to find the time to even talk to her on the phone. It's either I'm busy or she is.

"Yeah you did." She said, trying to hide her laugh.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny." I heard her laugh out loud.

"I have to go now. Let's talk again later okay?". I genuinely feel disappointed and I hate that we never have the time to be together.

"Of course. Talk to you later. Bye, I love you.". But, no matter what we're going to make this work. We just have to.

"I love you too. Bye.". Then she hung up.

Talking to her over the phone is really not enough.

I still miss her.

As I lay in bed, I can't help but to think about the first time I ever laid my eyes on her.


We just got out of the car and onto the red carpet to get our pictures taken for the MMA's (Melon Music Awards). I looked around when I saw someone that's just so breathtakingly beautiful.

She was already looking at me. When she realized that I caught her staring right back at me, she quickly looked away.

A small laugh escaped my lips. I can't help but notice the small blush that crept on her cheeks. She must have felt embarrassed that I caught her looking.

Her attention was taken by her group mate talking to her. I continued looking at her with a smirk on my lips. She took a glimpse at my direction before going inside. And as I expected, she looked so shocked and shy as she carried on her way inside.

"Yah, Jungkook let's go." Hoseok hyung said.

"Huh?" I absentmindedly asked.

"It's time to go in. " He asked.

"Yeah. Let's go then" I replied. I kept looking ahead just in case I could get a glimpse of her again.

We took our seats at the side of the stage, and I looked around looking for a certain someone. There she is. Sitting in the first row. With three more girls.

"Hyung? Who are they?" I asked Jin hyung who was sitting beside me.

"Who?" He asked.

"Those four girls in the front row." I told him.

"Ah. They're called Blackpink. I think they just debuted earlier this year. Why did you ask? Are you interested?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"No, I'm just curious." I said in a defensive tone.

"Okay then." He said, with a smug smirk on his face. Obviously not convinced.

I took one last look at her direction before focusing my attention on the show.

Little did I know that she's going to be the best thing that has ever happened to me.



Thank you for all the support guys. I hope you will continue to support my book. Sorry for all the delay. I just keep giving you guys some excuses.

Please don't hesitate to comment your thoughts and leave a vote. If you have the time. Please follow my account as well. It will be very much appreciated.💜

(By the way, the pictures at the beginning of every chapter are not mine. They are just some edits that I find at instagram.)


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