Chapter 30

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Lisa's POV

"We did it Lisa." He whispered. Letting out a few sobs. "We're free."

And just like that, I felt his lips against mine.

"Who's at the... oh. Nevermind." I think I heard someone say at the background.

I looked over and saw, Jisoo unnie with a teasing smirk on her face. 

"Unnie! How long have you been standing there?" I said, louder than I should. Can she blame me? I was shocked.

"Since I heard the doorbell. But don't mind me, you two can continue what you were doing. I'm going back to bed." And just like that she turned her back on us and proceeded to go back in her room.

"Well, that was awkward." Jungkook said laughing.

"You think that's funny?" I said, hitting his arm.

As soon as he stopped laughing, he let out a sigh and captured my eyes with his big brown ones. A smile still plastered on his face. His hands slowly made their way on my cheeks, then he whispered. "We did it."

I almost can't process what he just said, and then realization hit me. 

"But how?" What could he possibly have done to change Boss' mind.

Earlier that day.

Junkook's POV

"I wouldn't want to resort to this, but you leave me no choice." He left me no choice, it's time to call for plan B.

"You know, I have been hearing some rumors going on inside your company." I said, taking a seat at the front of his desk.

"Intimidating me hugh? I'm afraid you're wasting your time. I asked you to get out!" He said, his face now fuming with anger. 

"I've been in this industry long enough to know your dirty little secrets." I know I'm stepping over the line, but I just can't stand it anymore. If he wants to bring me down, then we're going down together.

"Is that a threat?" He's seriously not liking where this conversation is going.

"Yes." I answered, with a look of triumph on my face. He's been in control for a long time, it's time to fight back. "I may have heard some rumors about a tax evation." 

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, his face went completely white. His eyes wide and sweat, slowly becoming visible on his forehead.

"I-I, I don't know w-what you're talking about." He stuttered.

"I think you do. I actually checked up on my lawyer and it's technically a federal crime that can get you in prison." My heart is pumping out of my chest. This is the first time for me to actually threaten someone, but it somehow feels good to have him right where I want him.

"You don't understand. I didn't have much choice." I'm completely taken aback by the fear on his face. "I don't have the money to go pay for everything." 

"You know you do or you did. If only you weren't such a selfish asshole who eats all of your artists' money up and wasting it on what? Your gambling and God knows what else." Anger has completely taken over me. I can feel my hands shivering from the rage, my heart completely thumping out of my chest.

"Are you going to expose me?" His fear, his colorless face is slowly being replaced by a menacing grin. "You know what happens if you do."

"I am clearly aware of what happens if I do." I thought all of this through. With the help of my friends and Bang PD-nim I am able to come up with a very effective plan. "That's why, I have a proposal. Maybe there's something that my agency can do, to help you out of this mess."

Our Concealed Love : LISKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now