Chapter 25

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Four months later...

Lisa's POV

"Okay. This is what we've been preparing for. Let's go out there and give our BLINK's a concert they'll never forget." Jennie unnie said as we prepare for the opening performance of our last concert on the 'IN YOUR AREA Tour'. We are currently in Japan, we're all so excited to face our BLINK's.

These past few months has been so busy. After our comeback, we went head on to our tour. The girls and I have been enjoying the whole experience. Appreciating and being thankful for every second of it.

"Let's do our best and have fun." Jisoo unnie.

As soon as we're on stage, all the nervousness that I felt were gone. Adrenaline just started kicking in and all I feel is pure joy. I just feel so happy to see our fans so happy.

After a couple of hours. The concert came to an end. It always breaks my heart when we get to the part where we have to say goodbye to our BLINK's. But I know we'll see each other again.

We got to the car and on the way to the hotel, we started talking about all the fun things that happened during the concert. It was full of jokes and laughter as we remembered all the silly things that we did.

Back at the hotel. After dinner, I decided to clean myself up and go straight to bed. We have to rest early because we have a lot scheduled for tomorrow. And the day after that we'll be going back to Korea to attend at an award show. Come to think of it, we've never been to an award show in a while.

As I was lying on the bed, waiting for sleep to take me. I decided to check on my phone. I'm doing a lot better now. I still think about him from time to time but now, a part of me has learned to accept it somehow. Even after all this time, I still hope that he would reach out to me. But I was always disappointed. Not even a single text. I really do try to move on, I try to make myself go forward and to just forget. But I can't. I can't bring myself to forget about him no matter how much I hate him.

I just. I still love him. Now I'm starting to think that he never really did love me.

Jungkook's POV

"That's not how it goes. I already told you, you have to do it like this." Jhope hyung said, trying to correct Jin hyung's mistake on the choreography.

"That's what I did." Jin hyung argued. They have been arguing for a while now.

"Let's just take a break." Namjoon hyung said. Putting a stop to the heated argument going on.

I wiped the sweat on my face and sat down on the floor while drinking water.

We're currently on the Big Hit Building. Rehearsing for our upcoming performance at an award show. Thankfully we're able to fix my reputation and eventually people forgot about my dating scandal. A few months back, YG announced the break up between me and the trainee from his company. I can't even describe the happiness I felt, it feels like I'm finally being released and gaining back my freedom, but without her. Without the only girl that holds my heart.

Many times, I've attempted so many times to reach out to her. To call her, to send a text. To apologize. I just can't do it. I can't hurt her twice, I can't give her empty promises anymore, I don't want to get her hopes up for nothing. 

I check up on her every day. They're all over the internet, I'm so proud of Lisa, I'm so proud of the four of them. They finally have the recognition that they deserve. Their comeback is so successful as well as their tour. Lisa looks so happy, it looks like she eventually moved on. Thank goodness. She shouldn't waste her tears on someone like me. She should just live her life happily and forget about the pain and the sorrow. She should just forget about me.

"What are you thinking about." I was pulled out of my thoughts when Suga hyung suddenly spoke. I didn't even realize that he's sitting beside me.

"Just some stuff." I replied turning away from him.

"Okay. Do you want something to eat? My treat." He said, standing up.

"I'm not really hungry. You guys can go." I know what he's trying to do. I know they're just worried, but they'll never understand me. They'll never understand what I'm going through.

Suga hyung let out a sigh and spoke, "Would you man up? So you lost your girlfriend. I know you're hurting but that doesn't mean that you're just going to stop living." He practically yelled at me. The other guys were startled by the sudden outburst of Suga hyung.

He picked me up by the collar of my shirt, "Just look at yourself. You look pathetic. This is not the Jungkook I know. The Jungkook I know wouldn't have given up this easily. The Jungkook I know would've done everything to get his way." Namjoon hyung pulled Suga hyung away from me.

"Yoongi, What the hell is wrong with you." Namjoon hyung said. I decided to pack my stuff and left without saying a word.

I went to my car and drove. Drove to wherever I can be alone. I gave myself time to breathe, to think and to fully process everything.

Before I knew it, it's already dark. So I decided to head back to our dorm. As I was making my way to my room, Suga hyung was just about to get in his, but before he can close the door. I said, 

"You're right hyung, I don't give up easily. That's why I'm taking back what's mine."


This chapter is dedicated to @CottonCandy030306 for making me a wonderful book cover. Thank you so much I loved it.

 Thank you so much I loved it

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Hey guys. Thank you for all the love. I am really touched by all your sweet comments on my book. I really appreciate the love and dedication you guys give to this book. So please stay tuned for the last few chapters and don't forget to leave a comment and vote. If you guys have spare time to waste follow my account, I would very much appreciate it.

(The pictures I put at the beginning of every chapter are not mine. I don't own any of them.)

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