Chapter 14

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Lisa's POV

"What do you mean? Date? As in, going out? Outside?" I said. I can't believe what I just heard.

"Yes. Outside. As in, outside." He said with a chuckle.

"Umm. Excuse me, but aren't you aware of what's been happening this past few days?" I can't believe him. How can he even suggest going out. That's what's gotten us in this mess in the first place.

"Babe. Come on. It's just one day. We wont get caught this time. I promise." He tried to convince me. But it's not working.

"Jungkook..." I don't know what to say anymore. I do want to spend the day with him, and go outside, have fun and just enjoy the moment. But, I just don't want to make another mistake that could ruin his career.

"Lisa, please? We might never have this chance again." He said. I can hear the hurt, the pain from his voice. His eyes looking straight at me. I can see all the different emotions that he had on those big brown eyes.

I let out a sigh.

"Lisa. Come on. I just want to spend as much time with you as possible." How can I say no? After all that happened, I know we shouldn't.

But then again, what harm can come from this right?

"Fine. Just give me a minute to get ready." I said. He gave me a very bright smile.

"I'll wait for you outside. Okay?"

"Okay." Then I got back in my room.

When I was just finishing up my make up, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" I said. It was Chaeyoung.

"I see you guys have worked things out. So? How did the talk go? How did he react about the news?" She said. Sitting on my bed.

"Actually, we haven't had the talk yet." I told her.

"What? I thought you left last night to talk to him? You know, explain the situation?" She looks so shocked. Well I am a little shocked too. How come he's not reacting like how I expected him to?

"It's just that when I got to him last night, he looks so tired so I just told him to get some rest and I'll just talk to him in the morning. I was the one supposed to go to him, But he's here." I told her. Now that I think about it kind of seems weird. There's something different about him.

First, he didn't answer my calls, we've been dating for a year and no matter how busy he is, he always answers my calls. He's never done that before. Second, that vague text. And now, he suddenly wants to go on a date.

I don't know what's going on but, maybe after this date we'll be able to talk about the situation.

"Maybe he just misses you." Chaeyoung teased.

"How are things going with Jimin oppa?" I teased her as well. As soon as she heared Jimin oppa's name she became so stiff. I can't help but to let out a small giggle at her reaction.

"What do you mean?" She said

"Oh, you know what I mean. You like him don't you?" I said.

"No I don't." She said, almost yelling.

"Then why are you blushing?" She can't hide it anymore.

"I'm not blushing. I just feel a little hot, that's all."

"Oh come on Chaeyoung. Don't you think I realize that you've been spending a little more time on your phone than usual. And those little smiles that comes on your face every time you get a text?" I told her. She's really bad at hiding stuff.

"Am I that obvious?" She admitted. I knew it, I knew she likes him. And I do know that oppa likes her too.

"You're so obvious." I laughed. "You do know that you're really not good at hiding secrets right?" I chuckled.

"Fine, I like him. But I don't think he feels the same way." Is she kidding? I've seen the way he looks at her. Last time I saw them together, I knew there was something.

"Chaeyoung, what are you talking about? Why wouldn't he like you?" I asked. Is there anything not to like about her?

"I don't know? I mean, I'm just me. Why would he like me?" She said.

"Exactly. You're you. You're beautiful, smart, talented, you're the sweetest most honest person I know and you're not afraid to be yourself. Is that enough reason for you?" I don't believe her. How could she ever doubt herself? She is an amazing person and I love her.

"Awww. Thank you so much Lisa." She said, pulling me in for a hug.

"Don't you ever doubt yourself again. Okay?" I told her.

"Okay." She replied. "Umm, Lisa?" She said breaking our hug.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Isn't Jungkook waiting outside?" She said.

"Oh, shoot! I totally forgot. I gotta go." I rushed to get my bag and checked my appearance on the mirror again before going out of my room.

"Good luck on your date." I heared Chaeyoung said.

"Thanks. To you too." She just rolled her eyes at me and I just laughed back at her, then got out of the house.

"Finally, I thought you forgot about me." Jungkook said. He had a smile on his face and I can see that he is genuinely happy. Like he has nothing to worry about. Like this whole week did not happen. Today, I just want to forget and have fun with him.

"I almost did." He just pouted at me and I let out a laugh at his immature behaviour.

We got in the car and drove off.

"Where are we going?" I asked, not that he'll tell me.

"You really think I'd tell you?" He said while focusing his eyes on the road.

"No. Is it far?" I asked again.

"Maybe?" He smirked.

We talked about random stuff while he was driving and after a little while he finally stopped.

"Ummm. Why are we at the airport?"



As promised. Chapter 14🎇🎆🎇🎆 I'm really proud of myself.😂😂😂

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