Chapter 26

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Jungkook's POV

"You're right hyung, I don't give up easily. That's why I'm taking back what's mine."

The next morning, I woke up from all the noises coming from our living room. I think they're all awake. I looked at the clock from my bedside table, and it's only six in the morning.

I got up to see what's going on.

"Do you guys have to be this noisy so early in the morning?" I really don't know what's going on, but they better have an excusable reason.

"Is it true Jungkook? Are you really going to take Lisa back?" Jimin hyung said, looking all giddy and happy. Before I even got the chance to answer him, Suga hyung spoke.

"I already told you. He said it to me last night. He's acting all cool, saying that he's going to take back what's his." Suga hyung smirked, winking at me.

"How exactly are you planning on doing that?" Namjoon hyung said, with a serious look on his face.

"I don't know. I haven't figured it out yet. Is it right for me to do this though? Do I even deserve to have her back? After all the pain that I've caused her? I mean, she seems happy now, why would she even give me another chance." Now that I'm thinking about it, I have made such a selfish decision, Lisa must be moved on right now. Why would she possibly give me another chance?

"That's full of crap. Lisa's my friend too, and I know that she's far from happy right now. She still loves you Jungkook, don't disappoint her and give up on her the second time." Jin hyung said, patting my back.

"Thanks hyung." I said to Jin hyung. I turned to all of them and said, "Thank you to all of you. I know I haven't apologized for all the problems I've caused. But you guys are still here for me. I don't think I could ask for better members and family other than you guys." A tear was about to escape my eye, but I held it back because I know that I will be teased so much for it.

"Yah. Jungkook, you're being all mushy again." Jhope hyung said.

They all laughed at what Jhope hyung said.

"So, what's the plan? We're going to help you as much as we can." Jin hyung said.

"I don't know, Mr. Yang already had me tied down. He's always threatening me with Lisa and Blackpink's career being over. There must be something that can stop him from controlling them too much." I said.

"Maybe Bang PD-nim can help us find a solution." Namjoon hyung said.

"You know you can just kidnap her and take her somewhere far away and live happily ever after." Jimin hyung said.

We all just looked at him all weirded out.

"What? It's just a suggestion." He said shrugging his shoulders and heading off into the kitchen.

Lisa's POV

We're finally back home. We're all done with the tour, it's always so sad that we won't see our Blinks in a while, but I know that they'll always support the four of us. All that's left now is the award show tomorrow.

The moment we arrived at our dorm, my stomach started growling, so is Chaeyoung's

"Do you guys want to eat? I can cook something." Jennie unnie said.

"Yes, thank you unnie." Chaeyoung immediately replied.

Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie started cooking. I headed into my room to organize my stuff. I was putting my stuff back on my closet when I noticed something shiny beside the foot of my bed. I picked it up and it was the ring that Jungkook gave to me.

A slight smile came up to my face when the memory of us in New York came to my mind. I didn't notice a tear is already escaping my eye. It wasn't until Jennie unnie called out that the food was ready did I snapped out of my little daydream.

After eating our food, we all got tired and sleepy, even though it's only half past eleven in the morning.

I was just about to fall asleep when the doorbell rang.

"Ughhh, who could that be." I murmured to myself. don't think the other girls heard it or they're just too lazy to get up so I had to drag myself up from my bed and to the front door.

"Who is it?" I asked before opening the door. But no one answered and continued to ring the doorbell.

I started to panic. Why isn't that person answering?

I decided to open the door a little bit to see who it was. And just like that I was completely taken aback.


Hi guys! Oh my goodness 18K reads. Thank you so much. I hope you guys like this chapter and give it a vote. And don't forget to let me know of your thoughts through the comments and if you guys have the time, please follow my account.

(I don't own any of the photos that I put at the beginning of every chapter.)

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