Chapter 17

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Lisa's POV

"Okay folks, fasten your seat belts as we make our descent to the beautiful city of New York"  I heard the pilot say.

"Wait, New York?" My eyeballs almost got right out of their sockets. "Why did we go to New York?" I asked Jungkook who can't control the smile that is growing on his face.

"Well, I figured we've never really got to travel together and if we were to travel, I want it to be somewhere far away that we can roam free without the fear of getting caught." He replied, and I can see the change of mood on his eyes. I understand how he feels, because I feel the same way. We have always been restrained, controlled by the people around us. But now, I feel like this is our chance to be free from all of that. Even for just a little while.

I took his hand in mine and held on for dear life. He is everything to me, and I can't lose him. "I understand. Good thing I love New York." I laughed. And he did the same.

We got off the plane and collected our luggage. when it was time to go out of the airport I feel my heart in my throat. I know that not that many people know who we are here, but I still can't be so sure. Jungkook seems to notice my discomfort.

"Are you alright babe?" He asked, his eyed examining my face, as if looking for something wrong.

"No, I'm fine. I just got tired I guess." I tried to pull of the best smile that I can give him regardless of how I'm feeling inside. It was evident on his face that he doesn't believe me, but he nodded and just shrugged it off.

We got out of the airport and no one seems to recognize us. Jungkook has already prepared a car for us before we even arrived here. I don't know how he planned these things.

"Do you want to have breakfast first?" He asked me. "Yes please, I am starving." Only when he asked did I realized that I am so hungry, sometimes I think that he knows me better than I know myself.

"Do you have somewhere in mind?" I asked him.

"Of course I do. And I think you'll love it." He said feeling overly confident with himself. I can't help but to let out a small laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked looking amused at my actions. "Nothing, I just find it really sweet that you had all these planned out." I told him honestly.

He took me to a place called 'The Garden' the place looks breathtaking, and it was near the central park.

He took me to a place called 'The Garden' the place looks breathtaking, and it was near the central park

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It's so beautiful. The place wasn't that crowded, it has a very sophisticated and peaceful vibe to it. It kind of feels like a garden because they have trees and plants inside. As soon as we got inside, a waiter led us to our table.

"I gotta say, you really know how to impress me." I joked. Jungkook let out a small laugh. "Of course I do. Anything but the best for you." He said, flashing me a very adorable smile.

I ordered some blueberries and waffles with bacon and eggs with toast and coffee because I am that hungry. While Jungkook had a simple pancake with some eggs and orange juice. 

"How are you so hungry? We just ate on the plane?" He asked, with a ridiculous smirk on his face.

"That was an hour ago." I said in a 'duh' tone. "Don't judge me." 

He just let out an adorable laugh.

After a few moments, something crossed my mind.

"By the way, how did you get Boss to approve of this?" I asked. And I immediately sensed the change on his mood. Something is not right.

"I-I just a-asked if I could steal you for just a little while." He said avoiding eye contact with me. 

That's it. Something is definitely wrong.

     "And he just gave you his permission? to bring me to New York?" I'm having trouble believing that.

"Yeah." He is obviously not telling me something. But I decided not to push it further, when he's ready I'm sure he'll tell me. Right?



Hi guys. So, this is it. I promise that the next  chapter is going to be better than this one.

With all the crazy things happening right now, I decided to go back to writing. Since I don't really have anything better to do. So. Yeah. Enjoy.

Oh and please be safe and stay indoors.😘

Our Concealed Love : LISKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now