Chapter 29

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The following day...

Jungkook's POV

I parked my car outside of the building that I'm beginning to be familiar with. Everytime I find myself going to this place, nothing good ever happens. Everytime, I just end up making things worse. But today, today I will make sure that this ends now. 

I made my way inside, walked through the now familiar hallways and I found myself outside of his door once again. I went inside, not even bothering to let him know of my presence. 

"Is there a reason why you barged inside my office unannounced?" Mr. Yang said eyeing me with that mischievous smirk on his face.

"You must've known that I'll come one of these days." I said with equal mocking on my voice.

"Yes, I figured you will. But I didn't expect you to take such a long time to actually do it. I almost thought you've actually given up." He replied, letting out a rough chuckle.

"I admit, I almost did." I smirked. "But then again, It wouldn't be fair now would it?"

"Have you forgotten that you gave me your word." He said, his face losing the mocking smirk and slowly being replaced by pure rage. "You are to end everything with Lisa."

"How could you? How could you do this?" I asked. "I really tried to understand, I really do. But every reasoning just leads me back to Lisa. We're just normal human beings, I understand that it's our job to be perfect on the eyes of the public. But we're not hurting anyone."

"Hugh. Normal is not for people like us. Normal is a fantasy that you keep creating on your tiny little head. If you want to continue living this life, If you want to stay on the limelight you have to make sacrifices. You have no idea how much I've sacrificed to build my career, to build this company. And I will not be taken down just because you are in love." Anger is completely visible on his face. 

"I know what you mean. I sacrificed a lot too, to get to where I am right now. We all did. But that doesn't mean that we have to give up our humanity." I said. This is ridiculous. 

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for you. Get out of my office. Now." He practically shouted right on my face. 

"I wouldn't want to resort to this, but you leave me no choice." He left me no choice, it's time to call for plan B.

Lisa's POV

I have no idea what's happening. Yesterday went by in a haze, it's like I'm completely on cloud nine. 

"Where were you yesterday?" Jennie unnie asked. As we're seated together having breakfast.

We're currently at the dorm for some well deserved rest. Finally. My back and foot has been killing me since the tour. 

"Huh?" I aksed. Not really paying attention.

"Yesterday, you were missing after rehearsals. Where were you?" Jennie unnie repeated.

Both Chaeyoung and Jisoo Unnie turned their eyes on me. 

I finally got my head straight and replied. "Oh you know, just exploring."

"You were with Jungkook weren't you?" Chaeyoung practically squealed. 

I was so taken aback that my eyes just widened with surprise. Both Jisoo and Jennie unnie gasped.

"Were you really?" Jisoo unnie asked, letting out a visible smile on her face. 

"What? Me? With Jungkook? No." I let out a nervous laugh trying to shrug their accusations off.

"Are you guys like, back together?" Jennie unnie asked, completely ignoring the fact that I said I was not with Jungkook.

"I think they are." Jisoo unnie said, now making her way to my side. 

"Lisa! How come you never tell me these things." Chaeyoung protested. 

"GUYS! Are you just going to ignore what I said?" I finally spoke.

"It's obvious that oure lying." Jisoo unnie laughed. Jennie unnie and Cheryoung joined in. Leaving me with a very visible blush from the embarrassment.

"But are you sure though? About being in a relationship again? Boss would not be happy. He could do worse for the both of you." Jennie unnie said hugging me from the back. 

"I don't know unnie. I mean. We're not dating. At least he said "not yet". But he also said that he has a plan to get all of this right." I replied, looking atl their worried faces, trying to assure them that I'm fine.

"Whatever happens we're here okay?" Cheyoung said. joining in on the hug.

Later that evening.

I woke up at the sound of the doorbell. I checked my phone for the time and it's 10 o'clock. Who could possibly be visiting at this time? I got up from bed and made my way to the front door.

"Who is it?" I asked. No reply.

"Who's there?" I asked again. 

"It's me." Replied a voice that I very much know.

I quickly opened the door. And saw him.

I don't know what happened, but the next thing I know is his arms are wrapped tightly around me. Holding me so close to his warm lean body. 

"We did it Lisa." He whispered. Letting out a few sobs. "We're free."

And just like that, I felt his lips against mine. 

"Who's at the... oh. Nevermind." I think I heared someone say at the background.


Aaaaaah. Final chapter next. Find out how Jungkook did it! 💗💗💗

This is it guys! The final chapter will be next. Please stick around for just a little longer.

Thank you so much for all of your support. I appreciate you guys so much. I did not expect this book to achieve as much as it did. But seriously, thank you guys so much.💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜

Don't forget to VOTE, and COMMENT your thoughts, your opinions are deeply appreciated. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

I do not own the pictures that I put at the beginning of every chapter.

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