Chapter 1

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Lisa's POV

"Good... Good. Give me a different angle... Perfect!" the photographer said. "Lisa, give me a little smile please." He said. "Okay, good. Very good."

I'm in a photo shoot for a fashion magazine. We've been on the shoot for I don't know how many hours, but my body is starting to ache. I haven't had a good sleep since last week. These couple of days have been so busy that I can't even find time to sleep properly. "Okay people, let's take five and get Lisa ready for the next outfit." the director said. "Oh god" I groaned as the stylist dressed me up.

I'm tired, sleepy and hungry. Oh, what I'd give for a gamjatang right now.

I mean I'm not complaining. I like where I am and what I've achieved. I just get overwhelmed sometimes.

As the make-up artist fixed my make-up, I heard my phone ring. A bright smile appeared on my face.

It's him. This is also the first time he's contacted me in weeks. We really don't have that much time to be with each other. But still when we do find time we always make the best of it.

I still remember the first day we met.


We just debuted as Blackpink and were invited to attend the MMA's (Melon Music Awards). As we walked down the red carpet and got our pictures taken by the media. I feel so happy and nervous at the same time. The four of us can't really control our nerves on the way here.

I feel so thankful that we're one of the lucky ones to get tons of support from people, the fact that we just debuted makes me more thankful for our growing fandom.

We continued to smile at the camera, until a black van just stopped at the other end of the red carpet. Then came out one of the most famous Kpop boy groups in the world. BTS.

But one in particular caught my attention. He just looked so charming and handsome wearing a simple suit.

I mean seriously? How can one guy be that handsome? I was like caught up in a daze just by looking at his angelic face, not when I saw him staring back at me

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I mean seriously? How can one guy be that handsome? I was like caught up in a daze just by looking at his angelic face, not when I saw him staring back at me.

I quickly averted my eyes. Oh my, he must think that I'm a crazy stalker now. I must have made him uncomfortable. "Lisa?...Are you okay?" Jisoo unnie asked me. "I'm fine unnie". "If you say so... Come on, it's time to go inside." She told me.

Before I went, I glimpsed back at him and caught him looking back at me with a smirk on his lips.

Oh lord I can already tell this will be a long night.

During the show I keep getting the feeling like someone is looking at me at the back of my head. But I kept on ignoring it. After a short while, it's our turn to perform. I've never been so nervous my entire life.

This is the first time ever that we get to perform at such a big award show.

"Okay guys, Let's do our best. Let's go give them a great performance." Jennie unnie said, as we huddled up backstage.

"And don't forget to have fun. Let's just have fun out there okay?" Jisoo unnie said, with a wide smile on her face.

Cheyoung and I can't help but feel giddy. We're just so happy and thankful to finally have been given the chance to be where we are.

During our performance, my eyes passed the idol's seat and I saw a certain someone staring and absolutely enjoying our performance.

I can't help but let out a little smile. Little did I know that that someone is going to be mine.



Thank you guys so much for having a lot of patience. I hope you will never get tired of me and my book. I decided to un-publish the book because I will never be satisfied unless I did some editing.

I will continue to update this book don't worry. And I promise that it would be so much better.

Please don't hesitate to comment your thoughts and leave a vote. And if you have the time please follow my account. Thank you. \(^_^)/

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