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Entry Two

I dreamt of her last night. After she very pervertedly seduced me successfully. In fear I would hurt her I declined about a hundred times.

I know. Me? Decline? I had to readjust so many times I actually lost count. Elizabeth can be very convincing. I still told her that she's a perv.

And she laughed.
That beautiful, full of life laugh that I had missed so greatly. It fulfilled me.

So when she didn't wake up this morning.. my heart broke in two.

Day Six ~ 7 AM

"Elliee~ goodmorningg~" I whispered into her ear in that deep voice I know she loves. I felt better today, refreshed.

My mind's straight and I've got this today.

"Eliza you haven't slept past seven since I paid you to." I chuckled to myself. She would've hit me for that one.

What's going on?

I shook my beloved gently in desperation. She would have woken by now.. El's such a light sleeper.

"Baby?" My voice cracking under the wave of anxiety my chest was being pounded with.

Lift her up.

My body shifted and my arms wrapped around Eliza's fragile frame, I lifted her up. "Talk to me." I bit my lip to hold back the feeling that would soon hit me.

Dialing Ban, I carry her out of the bedroom towards the living room instead. In front of the warm fire that I kept on in the fireplace I sat with her still tightly held in my arms.

"Cap?" His voice raspy, groggy. "Elizabeth's not waking up.. she's barely breathing.. I've got her in my arms and s--" My eyes fell to see the color beginning to drain from her fair skin.

Ban and Elaine ran through the doors making it in record time.

Immediately she began, allowing her powers to take control from here.
"Ban I had her.. last night I had her." My voice breaking entirely now. The ginormous knot in my throat made it hard to speak.

My body was going numb.. I almost appreciated not feeling what I know would traumatize me forever.

"It's okay captain.." Diane's voice sounded from the doorway. "Diane?"

She stepped into the room with king and the rest of the sins. "What's going on?" I questioned them all, still not releasing my woman from my hold.

"I'll explain later.. right now she needs us more." She replied nervously. Everyone's eyes were locked on the angel in my arms.

"Let me help Elaine" King made his way closer. "Meliodas. You don't have to let her go... but could you please move to the floor?" I nodded.

He knows that in a time like this provoking me isn't what he needs.. the least I could do is make it easy for him.

I moved to the ground and gently moved her head to my lap. "Okay. Just do it." I say impatiently.

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