Chapter ThirtyFour

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After three nights full of love sessions and peace we find ourselves back at Drakon Castle. Elizabeth was already with mom planning while Zeldris and I were being fitted for the ball as well as his wedding.

Can you imagine that.. my little brother getting married before me.

"Zeldy I never thought you'd get married" I say randomly. He stood in front of the mirror as our tailor focused on hemmings.

"Yeah I didn't either. Honestly when I met Gelda I didn't think we'd be in this deep. I guess its primal instinct. We haven't mated yet.. it's her family's tradition to wait until after marriage."

He thanked the tailor before stepping out from in front of the ginormous mirror. As much as I'd love to stay seated, I stood up and took his place to allow the tailor to work on me.

"You've always been a gentleman Zel. Meanwhile I forced Elizabeth to be my fake girlfriend, fell in love with her and basically demanded I be her only. You definitely won the courting prize." I chuckled as I thought back to everything that happened.

I was supposed to still be running the businesses.. Elizabeth was supposed to be with her dancing crew doing what she loved every night...

"The two of you are in sync all of the time.. even when it was all just pretend Meliodas. I knew that she would be the one to turn you into a sap who loves wholeheartedly and laughs freely." He teased with a large smile on his face. I laugh.

I've never been the best brother. I've ignored him, treated him as if he were an annoyance and almost left him to deal with dads wrath. Yet.. we always told the truth to each other no matter how hard it would be to accept and the bond we shared was unbreakable.

"Mm.. Zeldris. As your big brother I'm really proud of you. Be amazing and do good with the businesses. When I'm king I'll have the best partners in the world working with me."

"Damn right" he cheered, the two of us laughing together after.

Timeskip~ 4 Hours Later

Elizabeth and Mom both showed me everything they have planned for the ball. Gold centerpieces, Rose's scattered everywhere, black seating and white tablecloths; each detail practically blew my mind.

"How do you females manage to coordinate colors the way you two have?" I asked bewildered by how fast they came out with each small detail.

"Your mom had a lot already.. she knows both territories and it makes me happy to represent you and my mom." Ellie says with such a beautiful smile.

Mom returned the warm gesture "thank you. I'm just happy I could help you Elizabeth."

We knew what she truly meant behind that. Mom was the original saint appointed to mentor and protect the Supreme Dietys daughter.. she doesn't know that we know the truth about that day she was damned.

I watched the two work happily with each other. This was the woman who raised me in this life. I'm grateful for all that she has taught us, I just wish I remembered everything as it once was.

"Meliodas?" Elizabeth's fingers snapped inches from my face. "Yes?" I say returning my attention to her. "Would you walk me in?.. as my Mate of course." She smiled brightly.

My heart pounded at the sound of her wanting to show me off as her Mate to the Goddess Kingdom. It made my confidence double in size.

"Why would I ever say no to escorting you, Elizabeth" I winked at her and smirked as her cheeks reddened. My hand slipped into her's and raised up to plant a warm kiss on the back of it.

"M-Meliodas..." she smiled timidly, biting her lip after noticing I was staring at her.

"Sunshine.. can I ask you something?" Mom asks me, using the nickname she gave me as a child.

"Anything" my head turned to face her, my body straightened and my arm was wrapped tightly around Ellie.

"Will the two of you have children?" She sipped her tea, waiting for me to respond.

I looked at Elizabeth who just smiled to herself. "Of course. A little boy and girl if possible. We'd have the most perfect babies."

"Even with Elizabeth being a Goddess you're not worried?" I smirked at mom and shook my head.

"Nah. Ellie can handle anything." I say confidently.

"It makes me happy to see you committed. I think you picked a fine woman to lead alongside you."

Oh if only you truly knew.

The Night Before

Elizabeth stared at herself in the mirror of her large bedroom in the Dietys mansion. She looked so unsure of everything, not an ounce of excitement.

"Ellie? What's going on? You haven't said much since we got here yesterday.." I wrapped my arms around her from behind allowing her to lean back into my warmth.

"Its like theres this mystery going on here but I won't know anything about it until I remember myself.. I don't like feeling this way. Since I got here mom and I have been together every second of the day, but she doesn't feel like mom." She groans clearly frustrated at her own thoughts.

"Elizabeth.. there was this girl I knew who didn't take shit from a guy as powerful as I.. she told him off whenever she felt bothered and stood up for herself when she knew she had to. She was independent and super strong. Even had the balls to leave me." Ellie rolled her eyes, the slightest smile appeared on her.

"She sounds like my kind of girl" she joked. Her intoxicating laughter invited me to join.

"You have been through too much to let a mystery like this get the better of you. El you've always done what you've needed to. If you feel like this isn't for you then leave.. dedicate yourself to being my queen.. you have the genetics to live in my world.."

She bit her lip while she sat in thought. It was something I found so sexy...

"We can leave right now.. run away.. finish mating and do this ball the Demon Realm way..." I extended my hand out to her.

I couldn't take being here another second myself.


Thanks to everyone for waiting!!

Life decided to throw a lot of curveballs my way this past month.

The weather also has my body acting so weird but no worries I'm feeling much more alive than I have been.

Updates and Finale still to come.


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