Chapter Eleven.

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I walked into the mansion with Elizabeth, everyone had been waiting for us to return with Merlin on her way.

As I head into my office to get settled, thoughts of last night flooded my mind. The way this woman looked, felt, smelled and sounded was officially imprinted into me.

Has it really been 5 months since I've invited her to live with me? 5 months full of desire. And now.. I just want more.

Keeping my other side in control around her proved to be even harder. I can't keep wanting her the way I do now.. but how do I stop?

"Yo Cap'n, Merlin just got here." Ban shouted for me. "Send her up!"

I sat down at my desk and took out a binder full of information on our enemy. The ten commandments had been making themselves known all over. Such idiots.

Merlin walked in not even bothering to knock as usual. "Yo." I said casually.
"Captain you seem as normal as ever." She said as she took a seat.

"Yeah how else would I act? But on a serious note we have business to discuss." She nodded and opened the folder on my desk. "So. They're headed to camelot huh?" She asked.

"And it looks like they're after Arthur's legendary weapon. But my question is, why would demons want a holy sword?" I questioned with a sigh.

"We kept this a secret for a long time for good reason too, excalibur is the key to the power of chaos. No one should've been able to figure that out though so it's hard to believe they know what it can do. Camelot is the largest kingdom in all of Britannia so it would be best to head there immediately." Merlin instructed.

"What would a gang want with this power?" I groaned, frustrated. "Merlin you're gonna have to write me up a report on all you can find about Choas power. I need to know what I can do to stop them. Especially if somehow we're too late."

"We should leave tonight Captain." She suggested. "Okay. That's the plan then." I just shrugged nonchalantly.

"Now. Let's talk about Elizabeth." Merlin smirked at me evily and instantly I felt uncomfortable. "Scary" I mumbled under my breath. "Captain I'm serious what's really going on between you two."

I leaned back in my chair and groaned again. "Do we really need to talk about this now?" I asked. "Yes. She's in love with you and you're stringing her along."

I winced. I could feel the demon inside of me begin to boil. He was pissed. "Merlin.. I wouldn't dig too deep into this. I'm paying her. She's literally my worker. She knows this means nothing."

Why must you defy me Meliodas. She IS mine. Stop Playing Yourself.

I can't take this.

"Captain. If you hurt her when this is over I will personally settle the score." She threatened. I smirked, my truest aura seeping out of me. "I'm fine with that. In the meantime we should write down some rules for the Sins. You know in case conflict breaks out between them."

She nodded. She was fully aware of my sudden hostility and I could see it written all over her. I couldn't control my demon much when it came to Elizabeth. I knew that. But once shes out of the picture I could have my old self back.

"I believe that's your job Captain. Meanwhile I will be preparing for our departure."

I nodded and in a flash she was gone.


I backed away from Meliodas' office door.. I was nothing more than his employee.. which makes this so much easier to disappear. To rip his memory from me entirely. I'm done playing around with myself.

So I've decided it's time to leave. I can't keep doing this it's not worth the pain. My heart being toyed with like this is just some game. I was never meant to be this.

I walked to our room and began to pack a small, light travel bag. If I leave now while he's working I won't need to face him. How can he say that about me? After last night? I know this isn't supposed to be real. But I'm more than just someone being paid. I'm at least his friend, or his comrade or at least someone he cares for. I've been through all of this and I'm nothing?

Just.. a damn show.

No more.

Tears just keep coming. My breathing heavy and as I stand here packing I can feel my heart tearing. This shouldn't be affecting me this way. I never truly loved him.. right?.. right..

It doesn't matter anymore.. the sins are assembled and I will be taking my leave. I know I promised all year but what would he need me for? After he contains the commandments he won't need to present a weakness anymore and I would be tossed to the side. That feeling is something I don't want to experience.

Last night. That never happened. And won't ever happen again.

I snuck out of the mansion, a well written note left on his bed explaining myself to him. I won't ever see him again so I wrote down exactly how I felt. Probably wouldn't even notice.

I headed on back towards my old home across the town. I missed being in a place so familiar to me. Not gonna lie though I will miss the amazing clothes.. and luxurious bathroom.

I unlocked the door and entered, flicking on the living room light. I'm finally home and its early, I'll have all day to get this place back to speed since I left.

I threw on music and grabbed a broom. "Time to bring you back to life !"


Hellllllooooo everyone :D
I wanna say thank you for all the reads I've been getting recently. It feels really really good to know you guys enjoy my ideas.

Some News:

FT×SDS: Alternate Universe is developing pretty nicely, if you guys would like me to start publishing lmk!!! I feel it may be ready :'D

I update this book every few days, Camelot Academy is updated slowly,
My new book will be updated daily.

Can't wait to know what you guys think!
I'm so happy guys it's crazy but I'm out


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