Chapter ThirtySix.

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One Month Later.


Meliodas set his bags down on the wooden oak floor of their newly built home. His emerald eyes glanced over the large living room that was already furnished, courtesy of King and Diane.

All the sins knew the two finished the mating process a week ago and wanted the two to have their own place. Since Mel is their Captain the team decided to build it themselves, even though there was a new argument each day.

Now the couple have finally made it back from their forest getaway together, more improved than before.


"Eeeelizabethhhh~~~" I sung as I made my way towards the back door of the large home the sins provided us. On the back porch Ban grilled with King while the ladies spoke excitedly. Everyone waiting for the two of us to make an appearance and I can't find her.

"Eliza!" I yelled now walking up the steps to check our bedroom. The only room we have yet to see.

 My hands touched the handles of the gigantic twin doors and pushed open

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My hands touched the handles of the gigantic twin doors and pushed open. "Oh there you are" I say with a smirk plastered onto my being.

She sat on the bed, smile as bright as ever on her face. "I thought we weren't using Eliza?" She laughed

"I couldn't find you and anyways it's still like a nickname right?" I replied casually, my hand already magically appearing on her breast

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"I couldn't find you and anyways it's still like a nickname right?" I replied casually, my hand already magically appearing on her breast. Our eyes connected briefly when she noticed, I had to force myself not to laugh.

"You do know...." she began, my eyes narrowed "I wanna be allowed to touch you whenever!" I complained. She had mentioned it before, when she realized she had all of her memories and remembered how much I've embarrassed her by doing this. Ellie's eyes rolled playfully complimented with a gorgeous toothy grin. "Don't make it as noticeable as you do." She groaned.

"But.... everything I do is noticeable" I whined once more. "Meliodas—"

Yeah yeah... already know where this is going too..

"Okay okay... I'll be undercover pervert." My smirk wide again.

Mating with this woman.. fully has completely fulfilled me. Regaining memories of the one I lost so many lifetimes ago refreshed me too.. Eliza Liones you are and forever will be my Queen.

"Come.. let's go see the others and tell them what we decided" I offer my beloved a hand that she graciously accepted and led her down to the back porch.

I'm excited to see Ban!

As soon as we stepped outside the others cheered for us. Everyone present and accounted for.

"Is all this food for me???" Elizabeth smiled widely, almost drooling over the delicious food Ban had already cooked. "Course it is Princess. Dig in." He chuckled before his eyes landed on me.

"Capppppppppppptaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiinnnnnn~~~~" he sung loudly, alarming the other sins. "Merlin could you?" Diane pointed towards the sprinting Ban, and of course... a sprinting me.


Just as the perfect cube lifted us into the air my fist collided into his face. I won this one. His body flew and slammed against the wall opposite of me.

The way he jiggled made me die internally. I laughed so damn hard my stomach was killing me. "Cap'n you cheater, you been training without me?" Ban pointed out as he rubbed his head.

"Nope. Just aged about 4,000 years overnight more like." I replied emotionless.

"Huh?" Confusion written all over him.

"Hey Merlin!! You can let us down now!!" I yelled to her. "Sure. Just don't go breaking anything." She says as the shield dissipated and dropped us from the air.

"They never quit. We should've just kept them up there" Diane groaned as she watched the two fall. "Can't let Elizabeth alone to tell the story though" King sighed next to his queen.

I made my way to sit at the table with Eli. "Welcome back captain" Merlin smiled with a glass of wine held up.

"I too have missed the both of you!" Gowther chimed in. "Tell us, what's the news?" Escanor comments behind Merlin, a hand resting on her hip.

"Ooooooo is Merlin dating?"  I question off topic. My senses tell me yes.

"Not the question we should be discussing but yes. For some reason Escanor wouldn't stop courting me" Merlin replied to my surprise. Elizabeth lit up for them though.. considering their background.

"IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU MERLIN!" Ellie shouted excitedly. "Thank you princess"

"Diane, Elaine what about the two of you??"

Her excitement made me really happy.
Everything she does makes you happy.

Welcome back. Why.

Oh come on I thought we made peace


You have Eliza and Elizabeth ?

You told me not to gain my memories back correct? So I wondered why for weeks until they came back. You didn't want me to remember because of what happened to us... and what will happen because of it... and I understand. But I don't forgive you. Because knowing that would've driven me to find the solution. I would have found it. That is why I am in control now.

All hail the King of all demons they will say.

"Meliodas?" Elizabeth's voice snapped me out of my head. "Yes?" I face her to see her smile again.

"You wanna start? I mean... I'd be honored.." she spoke clearly and calmly. The most content I have ever seen her. "Of course.." I pecked her lips and faced the eager group I've come to love. They made sure to surround us and Ellie really enjoyed their energy.

"Come on Cap'n. We're all waiting~" Ban pushed playfully. I chuckled and nodded.

"4,000 years ago these kingdoms fought constantly. Each one divided into their own territories except for one, now extinct, kingdom. I of course was born into the demon kingdom.. the first Prince of the demon realm while my father was the first king. Back then.. we would mate a lot differently.. us men would court a woman and fight for her until she claimed a victor. These duels used to get really out of hand.. Especially if this woman was of another kind or powerful in rank.

Since I was a the top ranked Prince in power, authority, inheritance, and skill I was given options for a mate instead of choosing freely." Diane gasped and looked at King. "They wouldn't let you mate freely? That's so selfish of them."

"Yeah but amongst those girls was my mate. Fate acted so oddly back then. In my favor of course but still.."

The others chuckled and giggled while Elizabeth stared at me. Her soft expression comforted me because she knew what we had to explain after our love story...

The truth about the two of us.

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