Chapter Five.

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(Ellie and Meliodas outfit above)

Meliodas' POV:

I don't know what happened to me.. I couldn't control him tonight. I'm starting to think I need to be laid before this urge gets out of hand.

I rubbed my head and laid on the bed. Elizabeth was already sleeping. I looked over at her and watched her for a bit. Sleeping next to her every night has me expecting her all the time. To have someone to come home to has been nice..

I moved her hair out of her face making her involuntarily turn to face my way. Her arm snaking around my frame. Everytime I get in bed after she falls asleep this is what she does. I could feel her body search for me naturally. I sighed.

I'm not ready for anything she has to offer. I'm also not exactly excited for when it's time for her to go. I kissed her forehead and turned from her. Finally drifting to sleep.

Timeskip~ Next Day


I groaned when I heard my phone vibrating next to me.
I answered irritated at the fact someone decided to wake me up.

"Hey Prince I was hoping you and I can get some alone time today."
Melascula's voice appeared on the line. I groaned at the thought of having to get up. "Mela you do know I have a girlfriend right? I can't just be out with you." She pouted

"Let's go somewhere private then. I can go over your place and we can do what we used to" she attempted to convince me. I decided to give in this time, I knew what she wanted and at this point I needed to get my mind off of Elizabeth.

"Sure whatever. Elizabeth is out with Ban for the day anyways."
"Yay! Okay give me 30 minutes"
She hung up the phone quickly before I could change my mind. I got up prepared to shower.

I let the water beat down on my back while my mind raced. Should I go through with this? Surely if Elizabeth found out what I was about to do she'd never want to know me again..
I let the thought process for a couple seconds longer.
Yes.. this is what I need to do. She needs to stay clear of me emotionally and this was the way to do it.

Fool! Claim the girl for yourself.

I rolled my eyes at the sound of the demon. Great. Before I drown myself in my thoughts I turned off the water and got out. The fight in my head tired me out and distracted me for too long. I need to cut the ties and focus on my businesses.

When the doorbell rung I walked down to answer for Mela. Her face lit up when she saw me, reaching out and wrapping her arms around my neck.

I had known her for a long time and we even dated at one point. She was a good lay but when it came to a relationship the two of us just couldn't get along. Since the gang had to come first we ended it. Now she only hangs out with me when she wants sex.

"Hey there Prince it's been a long time since we could do this" she exclaimed to me, her smile turning into a smirk.

I led her to one of my guest rooms and turned on the large flatscreen. "Wanna watch something" I asked blandly. "Nah not today. Just let some music play." I nodded and left it on shuffle.

She wore a black dress and heels, she looked good enough to me. "Tell me.. is it really true? You and that human?" She quizzed me suddenly.
Why is she asking me about her now?

"Maybe. Who knows. Why are you talking bout her now though?" I groaned lowly and she smirked at me. "Would you rather play instead?"

We went for 3 solid rounds so far. My demon side hadn't relaxed yet and I could feel the frustration throughout my body. I took a look at Mela, her bruises had been healing instantly. "Whatever anger it is you're holding in.. I can take it.. just get it out of your system already" I looked down at her laying there. Legs wide for me.

I played with her again until I heard the door shut downstairs. Mela quickly pulled me down to her and begged.
"No don't go. Finish with me Meliodas."

"Shut up. Someone's gonna hear you." I growled at her and watched her face turn red fast. It wasn't like Elizabeth though.

She continued to grind against me. After I couldn't hear anything downstairs I just gave up and fucked her hard.

When we were done I got up and dressed myself as she did the same. We walked down the steps and when we got to the door she kissed me and left.

"Really Cap'n?" Ban said from the living room. "What?" I snapped
"She's not even worth it like Princess and you're still fucking her." He sounded disappointed. I shrugged and grabbed a bottle of Ale. "Not like I give a damn about her anymore. She just hits me up when she wants a good time."

"Tsk" he continued to watch tv.

Third POV:

Meliodas looked out the window in the living room to see sweet Elizabeth laying on the grass outside. He sighed and walked out to talk to her.

"If she slept with you in what's supposed to be our room I'm moving into a different one." She spoke coldly. Elizabeth knew that she couldn't control who he fucked but that doesn't mean it has to be in the bed she sleeps in.

"No. It wasn't in our room." He looked away almost hurt that she would even think that. "Good. I'll go get ready for the dinner then." He stood there silently.

This is what he wanted. At least what he thought he wanted. She stood up and turned to walk inside.

Her mind was racing again now. A guy she admired didn't care or notice her. Burying all of her feelings she dressed for the night out with him.

Within the midst of all the personal mess Meliodas scored a big dinner with the Fairy King to make an alliance contract. The first recruit for his new gang.

She finished with a light spritz of perfume and walked out to meet Meliodas in the car.

Tonight's gonna be a long night..

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