Chapter Twelve.

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"Ughhhhhhhhh Ban get me out of this office!" I groaned after being in here for hours since I've gotten back. "Cap'n as your right hand man, in everything, I've decided you need to eat." Ban yanked my arm and dragged me down the steps, into the kitchen.

"You really don't have to tug" I pouted. "I do what I want~. Now what is it that you want?" He asked in a sing-song voice. "Boar. That would be delicious."

I could almost taste it. Ban's perfectly cooked and seasoned boar steak. All ready just to be put in my tummy. "Make it spicy" I added, drool leaving my mouth as he began to prep the food.

But this perfect dream would soon cease to exist.. Elaine had ran down the steps frantically with Diane, both of them yelling. "YO! TOO MUCH NOISE FOR MY SENSITIVE EARDRUMS!" I yelled which only made things worse.

Now they knew I was in the kitchen. I facepalmed as the both of them entered, arguing over something I couldn't pick out.

"What is going on?! Guys one at a time." Ban yelled in an attempt to get then to relax after he noticed how annoyed I was. "Its Elizabeth!" Diane belted while Elaine finished her sentence. "We went to look for her and instead we found this note" Elaine explained while she handed me the nicely sealed note.

"Then we decided to look around.. and none of the clothes she wears often are here.. it's only the expensive clothes and jewelry she puts on while we are out.." Diane continued.

I took the note from them and sat it down on the table. My eyes fixated on it. "Could you guys give me a minute..." I asked carefully. I don't think I want to know what happens from here.

I allowed Ban to continue prepping the meal he was making for us while I opened it hesitantly.


I am grateful for the opportunity you've presented me. At the time it seemed almost impossible to turn down but the longer I have spent by your side the more I have realized how I've felt.

I can no longer just stand there and pretend to be in love anymore. In the process of pretending I had thought my love for you was real but the more I remember that I'm just a worker the more I feel the need to call it quits.

For me.

My mental health is worth more than your paycheck. It's worth more than all the things you've freely given to me. I'm worth more than this feeling.
I wish you the best,


I stared at the letter blankly.

Our Mate Has Left.

I couldn't figure out what I was feeling.

I believe I shall take over now.

And.. anything that happened next... I had no control of.


I've never seen him so still.

I reached out for the note and read it. Elizabeth was gone.
I'm his bestfriend, he's told me all about how he feels. How conflicted he is about Princess.

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