Chapter TwentySix

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We agreed to stay the night. Oddly enough I didn't mind considering the flight had me exhausted and then Elizabeth wanted to spend the day sightseeing. I couldn't resist. She was smiling.

Now I stood under the stars with a mug of ale in my hand. Wondering what Ban and the sins were up to.

Being here in the Goddess kingdom made me feel uneasy but I guess that's my natural instinct knowing I'm in a realm the exact opposite of home.

"Meliodas? You okay?" Elizabeth came out onto the balcony to join me. She wore a short silk dress with a floor length robe to match. What surprised me was the color.. crimson red..

"Elizabeth.. you look phenomenal.." I gushed. Her face matched her clothes quickly.  "Y-you s-see I j-just thought you n-needed a piece of h-home" her hands cupped her cheeks in embarrassment.

"Hmm.." I extended my hand for her.

She.. is.. lovely isn't she?


As soon as she placed her palm in mine I pulled her towards me. "You are my home.. but this.. definitely makes me feel better. I'm not used to..." her arms wrapped around me.

"I'm not either.. we'll get through this change together. Right?"


My lips smashed against hers and I lifted her onto the wide balcony ledge. Her body pressed against mine sent me into a frenzy.

My hands traveled her entire body. She was bare underneath.. no underwear just to cheer me up?

"No panties? How naughty Elizabeth." I moved my lips towards her neck, biting and leaving love marks all over.

Her head bent back as I kissed down her chest, stomach and now thighs. "I want to cheer you looked lonely.." she mumbled as my tongue slid up her inner thigh.


"There's a condition..." my eyes shot up to hers. A condition? No way.

"Condition?" Her smile turned into a smirk. "I need that demon of yours to take me up on a challenge.."


"What challenge is this?" He would torture her..

"You.. won't hurt me Meliodas. But I want to have all of you." Her arms crossed.



Fine. I'll force you.



I drew him out forcefully. Whatever Elizabeth wants, she gets.
"I told you this was a bad idea"

She stood up and began unbuttoning my shirt. "Give me you anyways." She kissed my jawline, making her way towards my ear. "Please.."

I smirked and pulled her towards the bedroom.

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Elizabeth? Is.. that you?
I reached for her but she seemed to just get further away. Why is she emitting such a sinister aura?

"Meliodas you can't be serious. A war? Against the Goddess race is suicide. One grand Ark alone will murder thousands. The kingdom we know.. the one we were born to meet in will be destroyed. No more peace? What about us? If you die out there... what will I do?"

I felt so confused.. where was I? When was this? It must be a dream.. but it feels like it was real.

"Eliza.. you're going to be right by my side. They've been killing us for years we need to take a stand. Not to mention.. mom will be crucified just for falling in love with my father. You were there. You saw the Diety. She's pissed and she's out for blood."

"It won't solve anything.. but I'm with you.. she's your mother afterall.."

Next I knew I was on the battlefield. Staring at my fallen Eliza.. a woman I couldn't remember but felt so much.. love for lying in front of me dead.

My eyes searched for the reason. Why was she dead and who killed her? What was the reason for this war? Is my mother... not really my mom?

She told me she was exiled when I was born.. turning into a demon while pregnant with me after she was pointed to become Elizabeth's mentor. The Diety was pregnant with her at the time so how am I alive.. with this version of her ?

"She will be reborn as my daughter. Seeing you took one of mine I will take one of yours."


My eyes opened wide, I had been sweating and my hearts raced violently. Elizabeth.. the Goddess.. is Eliza the Demon? Why can't I remember...

Because you are not supposed to.

The reason?

For the better good.

I looked to my side and saw the sleeping beauty. Even as a demon she despised conflict. Maybe I should just leave well enough alone..

She did look rather juicy as a demon but this suites her even better.

After I calmed I wrapped my arm around her and attempted to fall back to sleep. I couldn't wait to be back with the sins already.


I woke up pretty early and decided it was time to go back home. I dressed and walked over to the throne room where mom would be for the morning.

"Goodmorning what brings you here so early?" She smiled, looking up from the document in her hand.

"I wanted to say thank you for the hospitality. I'll be back soon but for now we should be getting home. I have a lot to take care of before I can dedicate my time here. We have the ball to look forward to planning but after is still a mystery."

She nodded and wrapped her arms around me. "Well just make sure you come back okay? Call on me anytime.. I'll reach out to talk about the ball."

I closed my eyes and nodded, slowly letting go of her. "I'll see you soon. Promise."

With that I left to go wake him.

I walked into the room to see him sitting on the side of the bed, dressed. "Yo Elizabeth. You ready to go?" I nodded. "I am. Thank you for bringing me here to meet her. I know it's been uncomfortable for you."

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. "She would kill me if I didn't. I mean didn't you hear her that day?" I laughed.

"You always know how to cheer me up huh?" I giggled into his chest. Hugging him tightly. "Oh yeah. If I didn't I wouldn't be your prince would I?"

He took off after, catching me off guard. Back home to the sins we go.


>.> The next storyline begins.

Got some big things being revealed soon. Makes me excited!

Tooooodles ✌🏼

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