Chapter ThirtyThree

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I awoke at dawn. Just in time to watch the sun rise from the forest. Meliodas had a tall lookout in the trees just outside of here that overlooked everything surrounding us.

It would be the perfect place to feel the sun on my skin after so long.

I looked to my side and stared at the sleeping beau I've always adored.
I want so badly to stay in your arms.. but I must wait to show you I'm back..

I stood from the bed and put on one of his button up shirts. No one was around and if they dared to near this cabin I would annihilate them before my love awakes.

I made my way up the tree, towards the top where the lookout sat.

I walked out towards its balcony just as the sky began to change a light dusty pink and gold.

The morning dew that sprinkled the tops of the trees sparkled as the light slowly reflected off of it.

I took a long deep breath.
The air here was so rich and fulfilling. The colors were vibrant and stimulating.

"My... what a beautiful world I've come back to.."

I was besides myself.

The sun rose higher. Illuminating the sky further. Those first rays of light dancing on my skin. I unbutton the first two of the shirt. All I wanted was to stay here in this warmth.


My ears concentrated on the sound below me. Someone was climbing the tree.

"Who goes there?" I say, my tone demanding an answer.

"Just I. The Demon Prince Meliodas." He said as he stepped out onto the balcony. His arms were raised and his lips curved into a smirk.

"M-Meliodas. You frightened me." I say forgetting that his Elizabeth doesn't speak the way I do.

"Yeah so wanna tell me why you're talking like a one thousand year old princess brat that forced her way with me?" He asked chuckling at my shocked expression.

"I couldn't help myself. I wanted to feel the sun again Meli... I am a part of her now. Once the mating process is over the two of us will be one person." I explained.

He sighed and smiled, closing the space between us. Meliodas pressed his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. "I wanna know about you.. last night was the first time I've remembered anything real about us.. I can only imagine what's left to discover"

My eyes widened as they returned to their normal blue. "Meliodas..." I whispered quietly. "Hey there Ellie. Welcome back." He pecked my face softly. "I..what happened? How'd I get up here?" I asked looking around me.

I thought I had been just dreaming.. of my life as Eliza... did I sleep walk?

"Mating season has officially started for us.. that means our memories will return in full soon so my guess is the side effects consist of our alter selves showing themselves more while we are asleep." He scratched the back of his head while he analyzed the situation.

"Is this why we're staying here?.. so both sides of us can mate properly?" I questioned. He sighed and nodded. "I had assumed my demon side would need to be with you too so I decided on isolating us. Just in case someone made demon me angry.. but I didn't expect your demon side to come out too.."

I sighed, shifting myself to face the horizon. The sun was rising beautifully. "As long as we're here I'll allow all sides of me to be with you.. the only nights we will be gone are for the ball. I don't want anyone knowing about me yet." I said with a hint of worry in my voice.

I was more than worried though. If news got out that I am Eliza it could start war all over. The supreme Diety could use me to her advantage.. maybe even the humans would come after me.. I would become some test object for them.


We had breakfast and decided to enjoy the rest of our day waterside at a hidden waterfall near us that Meliodas knew about.

I laid out on the blanket in the short grass. Meliodas was attempting to catch fish with his hands.

"I got one!" He says holding up the flopping fish. "Don't let it go!" I yelled just as the fish slides out of his hands. "You jinxed me!" He yelled back a tiny frustrated while I just laughed at his pout.

I stood from my seated position and got into the water, swimming up to him. "You're cute when you're concentrating" I laugh, my arms wrapping around him tightly. "I'm always cute." He joked, his lips grazing my skin ever so lightly.

"Meliodas I--" before I could finish his lips were on mine.


"King Drakon we have reason to believe the Empress has been revived."

"You're certain?"

"Her miasma has been felt all throughout the forest of ruin."

"Locate her and deliver her to me. Oh and do not mention this to Bella. If the Empress has fully awakened she will want to protect who she couldn't originally. I will not have my wife revert back to the Dietys Saint under any circumstances. Also have the maids prepare for our departure to Goddess Territory. We will be leaving once Meliodas returns with his mate."

"Sire... may I ask what is planned for the Empress?"

"No. Instead have Zeldris come to the throne room. You're dismissed."



Another chapter finished for all the lovely Gems willing to read!

Being brutally honest, my motivation has faltered a bit but I intend to finish this story strong.

Stay tuned for the finale coming.

Thanks for reading!

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