Chapter ThirtySeven

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"Eliza was her name... she wouldn't tell me her last until she got to know me. But finding her also meant that others would try and take her.

Eliza was different. She was born into the extinct kingdom that inhabited Celestial beings that were both goddess and demon. In their kingdom the women's powers favor more for their mates power."

Elaine held her hand up to speak, making the lot of us laugh at the innocence. "In other words.. Ellie would be more demon because you are right? That would be the case for the others and if you had been of the Goddesses she would be then too?" She clarified for herself.

Elizabeth nodded with a sweet giggle escaping her. "Yes. But... I'm even more different.." she looked my way and nudged me. "Go on."

I nodded and continued. "Eliza was the first born heir to Celestia. Like me, she possessed immense power and was top ranked as well.. a rarity even.

To put this into perspective, I met her when I was 18. She was 17 and had mastered both devine arts to the point she could call on either side of her whenever she pleased.. she was truly both Goddess/Demon.

Her powers soon caught the attention of the Supreme Diety. They sent their own suitor for her, Mael.

Eliza and I had already been with each other for a month by the time Mael showed up. We hadn't gotten fully involved yet, I needed to be sure before I marked her but of course he showed up. She was forced to see him often, both sides demanding the Princess be with us..

Ultimately... she chose me. That pissed that Diety off." I laughed at the thought.

"They couldn't handle rejection or the demon realm having the upper hand by being ruled by the mightiest duo the world has seen. She came and tore everything down that Eliza loved. Including her race, her memories and me. Stole Ellies soul and replaced her daughters with it. The supreme Diety named her Elizabeth and raised her for years until she went missing.

The Diety placed a curse on her in case this were to happen.

If she were to ever regain her lifetimes of memories, death would restart her life. Forcing her to lose all the one's she came to love repeatedly."

I pulled Elizabeth into my lap, they all had questions and I knew she needed me.

Diane stared at us for a moment before she said "How long would she have ?" Elaine perked up to listen in too with the rest of the sins.

"We don't know... hopefully long enough to deliver.." Eliza smiled warmly as if it would ease them all. But it didn't work.

Diane screeched loudly "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!?"

I plugged my ears until the loud noises stopped. "I'm pregnant. Because I am we decided to take a leave from royalty and battle to have this baby. Here. We don't know how long I will live.. but we know that this is what matters.. Meliodas and I will meet again.."

"Next time, there won't be a curse."



I sat on the couch rubbing my stomach in agony. I ate WAY too much. The others bickered and laughed next to me while Meliodas grabbed drinks and popcorn for movies.

"King you should tell Captain what happened to you and Ban in the forest" Elaine giggled along with Diane.

"Aweh come on Elainee~ you know how embarrassing that was for old fart over there" the smirk on Ban's face making me laugh.

"Nothing can be as embarrassing as his wings were" Meliodas chimed in casually with a loud laugh causing everyone else to erupt as well.

I on the other hand just smiled, trying to ignore the intense pain. Mel noticed my discomfort instantly, already sensing it.

"Hey Elizabeth" he cooed softly in my ear as he pulled me into his lap. "Hey.." I smiled and kissed his cheek lovingly.

He had become more than my world. At first it was tough... and got really rough in the middle but I'd take this end any day. All the confusion I've had is gone, the memories I've made in all my lifetimes are in tact and the only constant in my life had been him. He is my home.

He is my family.

...He was my everything...



We still got some bonus chapters comingggggg as well as the release of my ORIGINAL tonight!

It's been in the works for quite some time y'all.

The sequel to this book is in the making. What'll happen once Elizabeth's life is reset? What new people will she meet and will Meliodas retain his memories?

For now, enjoy the pregnancy!

Thank you for Everything! The support is incredible. If you loved this book you are going to be addicted to ALEXANDER ~A Rubi Original


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