Chapter Eighteen.

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Elizabeth~ Next Morning.

I woke up early and had enough time to shower. Meliodas was pretty punctual so I figured he'd be here soon but when I opened my front door, Ren was standing there.

"Hey, wanted to know if you wanted to go get breakfast and maybe hang out. We got a lot to talk about." My eyes widened as panic began to settle.

"Ren.. we do need to talk but I can't today. I have someone coming over for something important and I promised I'd help them. I actually thought you were him for a second." I explained fully aware of how I ditched him last night as well.

"Elizabeth.. how am I supposed to make you love me if you won't even hang out with me?" He sighed

"I know what it sounds like and if it wasn't important I wouldn't have agreed to help.. I'm so sorry Ren I want to go out with you but I can't."

He nodded slowly, obviously agitated. "It isn't with that guy from last night is it?"

But before I could answer, Meliodas walked up my porch. "Actually.. yes. Is there a problem with it?" Mel asks in a smug tone.

"Meliodas meet Ren. Ren, Meliodas." I introduced. I was practically forced to even though I didn't want them meeting ever.

"He hasn't made a move on you has he?" Ren says while ignoring Meliodas.

"Afraid of competition?" Mel smirked

"Well with your attitude I highly doubt I'd have competition unless Elizabeth believes otherwise." Ren snapped, keeping his eyes focused on me.

"Guys enough. Ren I'll talk to you later okay? Meliodas get in the house and stop talking until further notice." I demanded which made the boys stop arguing for now.

"A word of advice, Meliodas. Don't touch my Elizabeth."

I groaned and before he could respond I pulled him through threshold. "See yah later Ren." I waved and closed the door behind me.

"Why." I ask immediately. "Because you don't belong to him." He replied. "You don't decide that remember?"

"Elizabeth you can't seriously want that guy over me right? He smells weird." He stated with a scrunched nose.

I laughed at his remark. "I don't have your super nose okay? To me he smells fine." I sat down on the couch with him.

"No like he smells.. not human?" He carlified. "Well that's because he's an angel. Not a human." I correct him.

Meliodas sat in thought for a minute.
"Soo... the plan? To find the commandment leader?" I was beginning to get impatient.

"Right so the member we're looking for has the ability to change his appearance and personality. Before Zeldris could take over, he became their next leader." He scooted closer to me, taking out a paper and pen. I watched him draw out a pretty decent map of the club.

"Last night I sensed his presence during your opening song. It fainted the moment you started dancing with me so that tells me he knows I'm around already." He explains in a more matter-of-factly way.

"Why would he come to this club specifically?" I ask curious of the motive.

"He's looking for a key of choas. The soul of a Diety. My guess is Goddess night clarified his suspicion on who the Diety is.." Meliodas looked at me and sighed. He pushed my bangs out of my face and smiled sweetly at me.

"Merlin made things much clearer for me. From the moment I met you I knew you were special. The innocence you have, the way you carry yourself, even your alluring dance. I was drawn to you from the start.. you weren't ever a human.. you're the missing daughter of the Supreme Diety."

His emerald eyes glistened while mine widened. A Diety? I'm human. I've only ever known humanity. The pain it brings.

"You were stolen from the castle a long time ago by ten commandment Estarossa. For centuries the Goddess kingdom has blamed the Demon King and I. You were believed to be dead until Merlin sensed you walking into her club.. looking for a job. She kept the secret from you to protect you." He continued.

I.. a Goddess? The daughter of a Diety? All my life I've been fighting for what I have as a human. How could I believe something like this. And Meliodas? His personality has flipped entirely.

"M-Meliodas.. may I ask when did you become so..kind?"
The way he was speaking to me was softer than ever, his tone sweeter and his aura more pure.. the darkness he possessed seemed comforted and at bay when he was close to me.

"I told you.. I've decided what I need. That's you and I have a lot of months to make up for but I'll always protect you." He brightened with an incredible smile.

"Y-you.. r-really mean it?" The heat in my face rising. "Of course Elizabeth."

Its hard to believe the playboy I knew in him vanished. No one can change that easily.. right? I'm so confused. Is this all just a sham? Do I let myself fall for more games or will I be happy for the rest of my life ? And... What.About.Ren.

"I was thinking tonight we arrive together. Let him know I'm with you. If I'm correct it could make him desperate to make a move. You and I have been seen all over the world but the demon kingdom. It may work." Meliodas strategized.

"Wait.. so we pretend again?" I'm positive I can never put myself in that position again.

"No. I'm never going to pretend with you ever again. Its just a night I can use to show you how I really feel." Right hand to his heart he declares his authenticity.

"Ren.. would be really upset about this you know?" I mentioned. I have a heart and I can't just hurt someone this way.

"Ellie at this point everyone is a target. He could be disguising himself to get closer to you. I'm sorry.. if hes not really him I'll let you truly find out who you'd love to be with. I promise" his hand intertwine with mine.

You idiot. All I ever wanted was you.

"If you want me you must earn me. If I truly am a Diety then treat me as such. I'm you're equal. Not your subordinate." I say to get the point across that I will not be one to mess with this time around. For now he needs to earn my trust once more.

"As you wish Ellie" winking with a smirk planted on him.

As time passed we discussed how tonight would go, the best vs worst situation. We joked around occasionally.. and talked about some of the good memories we made back with the sins.

Being with him felt like getting to know him all over again. The chat never ending it seemed. He's so much warmer than before.. it makes me wonder what he's been through in the wake of my disappearance.

He yawned beside me and stretched. "Hey Elizabeth, wanna take a nap?" I giggled as he snuggled into the wide couch. "Why so tired? Haven't you slept at all?" I question as I stare at his drowsy face.

"Actually no. Been up for weeks."
My smile faded into a frown quickly "did you eat at all?!" I asked

"Haven't done much of that since you left.. my demon form numbs me from all of that until I relax again.. this is the first time.. since that day."

I gasped shocked from his explanation. "Are you hungry?.." he hasn't ate or slept since I abandoned them all. My stomach just formed such a tight knot. "Nah.. honestly I just want to be held while I sleep again.. you used to climb on me every time I got into bed. I miss that."

The pain in my chest moved me. I climbed on top of him and laid in his arms. I remember waking up in the middle of the night before always clinging onto Meliodas as he slept. I use to freak out everytime because I knew my body sensed him while unconscious.

"Mmm... that's more like it." He whispered while his heavy eyes closed. Soon all I could hear was his steady breathing and light snoring.

Helo world!
I finally have a few days off so I'll be updating probably a ton shortly! Maybe after a nap lol.
Can't wait to see what everyone thinks!

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