Chapter Thirteen.

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I rushed to the door as soon as I heard Victoria knock.

"Princess it's the world's favoriteeeeee~" she sang outside making me laugh as I opened for her. "Hey there Missy you've got some explaining to do." She stood there with her hands on her hips. Her gorgeous crimson hair falling below her shoulders, she was still as beautiful as ever. "Vic! You cut your hair?!" I asked in shock. She loved her wavy locks.

"Yes I know. I needed a new style but I'm letting it grow again." She walked in and found her way to the couch, I locked the door behind her. "So. Tell me what happened."

I giggled and nodded as I took a seat next to her. "Long story short.. Meliodas ended up coming back to the bar and offered me a job.." I sat facing her, she gave me her undivided attention.

"It was 500 Million to be his fake girlfriend and--"

"Whoa fuck 500 million? Damn" she interrupted with a shocked expression on her face. "Yea.. I took the offer.. seemed like I couldn't pass on something like that. The job would be for a year. That's why I left.. Merlin knew and kept my position open in case I needed to come back." I took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly.

"Ellie... what happened?" Her voice softened. I smiled as best as I could but I knew this was going to hurt me.

"The first couple of months were confusing. He was so.. amazing in public but in private we were strangers. These past two, almost three, months.. we got a lot closer and Vic.. I made a mistake." Her brows furrowed and her reddish hazel eyes showed worry.

"You fell in love..." she said lowly. "I kept telling myself not to do it but everytime I was with him a different part of me would take over and I would love him hard. He makes me so angry but so.. happy.. and so fucking sad at the same time. Last night.." my lip quivered as my voice broke off slightly.

He doesn't deserve the tears..

"Last night he asked me what I wanted. One desire of mine granted and I chose to ask him for his love. I wanted to know what it was really like when he shows his feelings. Who he really is.. but.. he just showed me what I wanted to see.. I thought we made "love" but in reality we just fucked. Over and over again.." I lifted my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them in an attempt to comfort myself.

"Then.. this morning Merlin came over to finish a deal with him.. and he told her the truth. That I was just his employee. He sees me as someone he fucks for now but will go away when he's done. This time he's paying me to do it. I didn't want that. I don't want that. I want to be Elizabeth. Not his girlfriend if it means I can't ever be truly happy. So I wrote a note and left. I got back today and I needed a distraction. I missed you over these past months and I just want to have some fun."

Vic nodded slowly and hugged me tightly. "I'm going to support you through all of this. So why dont we go to my club tonight!!! Merlin allowed me to run this one for her. You haven't danced for the world in forever why not come and loosen up?"

I laughed, nodding my head fast. She's right. Let's loosen up some.

"Let's get ready then!"



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"VICTORIA. This dress is like even shorter than all the other ones I've ever worn. Why do you have this in your purse?!" I whined while I looked at myself in the mirror.

She laughed hard at me "lighten up. You're the most wanted princess around here aren't you?"

"I'm not a princess" I groaned. "In this industry you are. Now let's go."

She dragged me out and we made our way to the old luxurious club Merlin once ran. "Are all the girls there?" I asked excitedly. "No.. Merlin took them all, even Diane. I'm sorry kid."

"Diane? We had a Diane?" I asked awkwardly. "Um. Are you kidding me? You two were closer than we are." My face scrunched. "I don't remember a Diane. I just remember us." Confused at my response she just continued to drive, soon parking.

We walked past the bouncer and into what was now called the Palace. "Still as popular as ever" I commented. Vic giggled "it's even more popular now. We do themed nights. Tonight's being blacklight. I make you wear white because it stands out most in blacklight. You're gonna love it when you dance."

I laughed "if you say so." She led me through the crowd towards the grand dancefloor, a server was even passing drinks around for everyone.

After a good hour of hip swaying and sweating we took a seat at the bar. "Hey Gil why don't you pass us two more."

"Sure thing boss." Sliding two tequila shots towards us. "How you feelin Ellie?" She giggled. "Great. Like I'm home!" I smiled as a guy wrapped his arm around my waist. "Hey! Get your hands off of her." I looked over quickly to see Arthur standing there smiling. "A dance?" He asked.

Fear began to fill my body.. had Meliodas come with him? I looked towards Vic with worry written all over me. I knew I should've stayed home.

"Sure Arthur." I stood and walked with him ignoring Vic's head shaking. He pulled me close and danced with me to the beat of the music. "So tell me. Why'd you leave us?"

I winced and turned to face him. "Arthur. I love our friendship. I cherish it even. But that is my own personal business. Don't ask me about it just respect my decision and I want you to tell everyone else that too. Wherever they are. You guys just focus on your mission got it?"

I think now would be the best opportunity to get them away from me. For now. I just need time.

"You know you owe me a date right? You can't just leave without me ever having a chance" I bit my lip. I don't want to hurt this guy.

"There.. was never a chance and I can't lie to you anymore. I wanted there to be for a little bit.. but ultimately I've realized i don't want to be with you." I tried to break it down to him.

"Meliodas did you that bad huh? You let a guy that's love is fake get to you and now you don't want to give anyone else a chance. I never thought you were this weak."

Something in me boiled. Anger? It had to be.. I backhanded him hard enough for him to fall backward a bit. "Never bring his name up around me Ever. And don't you ever repeat those words again because I am fine. I was pretending too you see? So back the hell off. He didn't destroy me. He hired me and my job is done. Just like this conversation." I turned on my heel and walked. Leaving him there with a red face and his jaw open.

I know he really liked me. He probably said it because of his feelings, but I am not broken. I am not weak. I'm just moving on. Far and fast away from him and them.

That's just something they need to understand.


Here's an extra chapter!
I guess I'm just mentally celebrating

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