Chapter Eight.

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"E-Elaine! W-Why Is It So SHORT!" I yelled. While staring at the little white dress Elaine shoved me in I thought about my dancing days.

I used to wear stuff like this all the time just to make a living and now I'm living in a mansion. With a Prince and his 2 bestfriends. I guess I needed to be more thankful. I've come to adore Ban and Elaine.

"Listen Meliodas has an event coming up tonight and it's at a gorgeous club. You need to look good and he told me to whip something up for you"

So that's why he let me go so easily after... Arthur came and got me..

I've NEVER said yes to any man. But I wanted him just as bad.

Just for once after months of knowing him, sleeping next to him and laughing with him I want feel physically what he makes me feel emotionally. And of course Arthur had to be the one to get me. I'm sure Diane would've came as well..

Meliodas was.. Furious.

Why be so angry if he didn't love me back?

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice Arthur behind me.

"Hey Ellie"

I jumped, hand over my heart I looked at him behind me through the mirror. "Where's Elaine?"

"She went to grab Meliodas. Told me to tell you. But you.. look.. gorgeous" he said as he eyed me. "So.. about that date. I know Elaine stole you but I'd like to ask again. Why don't you go out with me after the party. Late night bite.. wine in hot tub."

I shook my head and turned around "listen. My job comes first. I will be with Meliodas as long as he needs me. I can't promise you anything. Not tonight."

I didn't even know about the party.. It must have been one of the things he was working on before I walked in.

"Arthur if you would excuse me.. Meliodas will be coming soon and I need to finish gathering my things with Elaine." I said as I walked around him and to the door, leaving him in the dressing room.

He was cute and sometimes super sweet. But there are times like that when he looks like he wants to eat me alive.

It's not like the way Meliodas is though.. it's really different.

"Mmm.." Meliodas said next to Elaine. She giggled and smirked at me. I should've known she did this on purpose. She probably even volunteered.

He walked closer to me, my heart thumping in unison with each step he took. I haven't even processed what had happened fully yet.

His eyes looked up briefly, my guess was Arthur had finally followed me out.

Meliodas slowly wrapped an arm around my waist and smirked at me, whispering into my ear. "I would love for you to accompany me tonight Elizabeth."

I blushed. Hard. I promised myself I wouldn't do this but he must be taking me up on my 'only once' deal... "S-Sir Meliodas.. I'd Love To" I said to him.

"Thanks for getting her ready Elaine. I'll see you and Ban later." He said to her as he smiled, hypnotizing me almost.

Hey. Tonight I was allowed to act this way. But after I will go out with Arthur and detach myself from him. Officially.

He led me to the car and we ended up at the hottest club in town. We entered together, passing a line that wrapped around the building.

Walking in we saw how packed it really was. Lights of all sorts lit up the dance floor as everyone danced to the latest hit songs. It reminded me so much of my dancing family.

We soon entered the VIP lounge as wine was ordered to be brought to us per request by Meliodas. "So I think I should tell you that this is your Merlin's club. She blew up recently with some of the new dancers and themes. But we're here to have her sign a deal to dub her the seventh sin."

My eyes widened. Merlin was the mage he's been talking about? I had thought she was just a club owner.

I smiled though... she made it as the club owner shes always wanted to be. Number one. Like she deserved.

Meliodas pulled me closer and the butler-like dressed waiter poured wine for us. This place had class but also some spice too.

I sipped on my wine.

"You look phenomenal Elizabeth." His hand was placed high on my thigh, gently and slowly pulling them apart under the table. He made the room 20 degrees hotter.

"T-Thank you Meliodas you look amazing yourself." I said as a bit my lip and eyed him in his black fitted pants and white fitted button up top. A red tie to add a pop of color.

"You're just missing one thing." I furrowed my brows and tilted my head. "I am?" I said as he smiled and turned me around.

He placed an authentic Onyx and Ruby choker around my neck to match his tie. I smiled and leaned in to kiss him. We were in public so this was okay.

He pulled me into his lap and rested a hand on the side of my ass while the other caressed my high inner thigh under the table. 

I sat there and sipped my wine. Allowing the alcohol to slowly relax me. I wasn't ashamed of letting it help me loosen up.

I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and played with his hair. My eyes now wandering the dance floor from the high balcony. I could see everyone file in below.

"Tonight... I'm not going to pretend, Elizabeth. But after tonight we will continue to separate ourselves from each other.. if we continue doing the things we do today after this.. you're gonna end up breaking me down." He spoke sincerely as he rubbed my skin lovingly.

I was smiling like an idiot because finally since that one night he admitted the way he feels. Red spread across my face as the kisses on my temple made me blush.

I will enjoy this night. Thoroughly.


Hey everyone ! I've noticed more and more of you reading this story and I hope you like it so far! I've decided to upload an extra chapter today as I finished it. Was gonna save it but all the reads have excited me. Feel free to comment and talk to me some! I love feedback :)
I tend to update as I write chapters so just bare with me if it takes long sometimes!

Thanks for Reading everyone! It makes me so happy!

Aside from my other Melizabeth story (Camelot Academy) I have a new one coming soon!

FT×SDS: Alternate Universe

This story has 2 main couples. Melizabeth and Nalu.

After joining FTMA Elizabeth, Meliodas, Lucy and Natsu become the greatest foursome this universe has seen. As they grow together at the Magical Academy they come across plenty of tragedies, good times, fights and adventures. Making this story one to remember.

This is my first crossover and its focused on my top two ships so far. The characters have different yet similar backgrounds to help mold the two worlds together. But, Trust me there's plenty of drama and happiness coming for them. Subscribe and stay tuned! Maybe help me decide when to release chapters of it. I believe it may be my masterpiece.

Till next time!!! ~✌🏼

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