I give my kindness away for free
But I don't want it back
If I do I feel less real
Pain wakes up my emotions
Happiness is a cloud I can never reach
I am in eternal bliss
I live in the shadows, it's my home where I hide
Some days I wish to fade away, other days I want to claim completion but it's far too much
I live in between worlds of monsters and deaf angles
I am far from the grave, but yet I feel so close I could touch it
Solidarity only gives me weakness
I feel like a shell when I'm around others, a hollow being
I can't tell what's real anymore
I wish to be alive and have the wind carry me
I want to be contempt
Freedom is a tree that lives far away from me, it's slowly dying
I'm not afraid if where it might fall, but what truly terrifies me Is what it'll destroy
I am halfway dead already, there's no saving me
Soon I'll be ashes
And nothing more<3 dedicated to my feelings <3

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoesiaRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay