If I was with you right now...
I would be curled in your arms,
My head would be against your chest,
And I would feel your heart beat play a rhythm.
While, listening to your soft breaths as they sing to me.
As my eyes would be drifting to sweet sleep.But yet here I lay all alone... without you next to me,
And here I sleep without you watching over me.
Here I ponder on the yesterday's we were together my little sheep.The evil has turned your coat a pale black...
You have let the world devour you.
My place is no longer with you, I cannot replicate your stained soul.
My dear sheep, for you have turned into the beast you swore to never meet.You were once my hero guiding me along the river...
But the demons that had forsaken you long ago, finally caught up to you.
Now you are just a heartless wolf, killing the innocent sheep and the Shepard's that try to hide them.You are a fallen angel indeed...
My sweet lover what has become of you?
Let's rewind time and be as we once were.
Word count: 194
Theme: good v.s. evil
Side note: hopefully with all of the lovely feed back I have received recently i hope to have grown

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoetryRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay