A fist was raised and a cry was heard
The children hide away, denying reality
The mother stands strong with a bruise on her face
The man looks at her with regret;
Time passes onThe home is safe now, the mother and her children are free
They hold a secret out of fear and pain
The children recluse themselves from others
The mother becomes stronger with time, but the scares will forever remain
time passes onEach child holds a hidden truth that will never be spoken of
The mother is with another who is better, but not perfect
Everyone still suffers from the past
Time passes onThe mothers and childrens light dies
The grandmother who loved them is gone
They must now recover and mend themselves back together
Time passes onThey move to restart
The pain becomes less and each day becomes easier
They fight for a better life, they've survived through so much
Time continues<3 dedicated to my beloved siblings and my mother who protected us <3

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoetryRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay