Hey uhh, I really like really really need to have a talk with you. Like the closeness is nice and all but it's getting a little much. I am very overwhelmed with the whole situation right now, and don't really want to add more stress. Further more I do believe that I personally need a breather I'm kinda suffering over here and falling of a cliff. So, maybe back off a little? Especially with all of those cheesey remarks. It is a little much. I like my personal bubble and my space from the world. I need solitary I'm kinda cracking. So please like pretty please give me a break, your kind of freaking me out a bit. I don't conform to change very well, it took me like a thousand years to get as comfortable with g as I am today. It took me a years to be as close as I am with lil k. I can't change in a night, that's not how my gears work. I don't have a on or off switch. It seems like you do though because one second your the pot head everyone knows and in the next your some sweet lover boy. It is scary and very weird sir indeed. so yeah!
<3 my life has become hectic and I'm losing my mind, I'll never show him this I just really needed to vent lol <3

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoésieRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay