A few more days of school are left. It will be summer soon. My last summer to spend with my father. At this time it leads me to reminemce at all the years and the summers I've spent there. To the times that I remember and the times that I've forgotten.
They live a different life than the one I live with my mother; Polar opposites. I've often thought of what would my last day at my father's would look like? Next year is my last year of highschool. Everything is ending all around me. I have big plans this summer, but none of them involve my father.
Everything is getting better with them this last year, I wish the boys could have seen. But, I know why they stopped coming and I should have done the same long ago. But, I couldn't bring myself to leave my little brother Joseph. I could have left, but I didn't so there is no point in regretting.
My father and I's relationship has blossomed further than I thought it ever could. We are not perfect, but he tries so hard. Our car rides back to my house have gotten so much better. He speaks to me more often. My nonchalant father, speaking to me it's a miracle!
My stepmother just confirmed that we are going to have chicken and baked potatoes. My worst nightmare: baked potatoes. She gets the extra large ones and there is no way I could ever eat a whole one like she can. So, I must hide it like a little kid hides his veggies he doesn't like.
My very last summer here is such an odd thought. I spend alot of my Weeks dreading spending the weekend at my dad's. Here I am still waiting and waiting to go home checking the clock.
I hate it here, but there have been good moments I can't deny.
They have done things for me that my mother has never done. But, there is always a flip side they have done cruel things to us. So cruel that the boys left and couldn't take it anymore. I'm so conflicted and I don't know what to think about everything.The good, the bad, and the ugly collide into one leaving me defenseless. Summer is going to long this year as I start creating a life of my own, in my own home.

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoesiaRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay