Well here we are yet again! I've already thought of a nice thing you're doing for me (:
Your giving me ideas and topics to write on my wattpad! So here's a special thanks for increasing my poem and short story book <3
Today, Dec 20th, you spoke of something, I wish things like that didn't have to happen, I'm so sorry, the tears form but dare not fall, not like yours I'm not that strong
So... I have a secret! Listen as you were telling me that you are using your alto less because of me, I want you to know that in reverse I am doing things that harm me less aswell. Im sure you know the truth, maybe your just being oblivious. You've almost caught me dozen of times.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to be such a disappointment. But if it's any consolation I'm getting better, just like you are. Honestly I don't want to stop, it's not even worth the satisfaction. But I do it nevertheless, I enjoy the feeling it gives. I know that's silly, but it makes me feel. Maybe your not the only hollow one?Anyways happy things... I think I'll get this one to the same length as the other 775 words, I still have a long way to go and I'll continue tomorrow
Lunch today was hectic, I'm so so sorry. But I'm really happy that you waited for me, people don't normally do that for others. It meant a lot, but I feel so awful about it. Like real bad. It bothers me so much. You kept saying that it was fine, but I know it isn't. It was rude and you should have just left without me. I can't wait for tomorrow though, you said you'd hold my hand while we watch the school play. It's very scandalous El. But nice at the same time. A little much but nice. I've gotten used to seeing you all the time it's gonna be weird not being able to visit you for awhile. I'm going to be so lonely. You know what's funny? I'm sitting in a place where I do things that I shouldn't and I haven't had the urge, it's strange to be able to sit here and not be constantly thinking of when I can go back to continue. I know I'm such a mess it's pathetic really. You don't have to lie you know I can take the hit. That's all I'm good for anyways.
Nevermind, El, I'm sorry I'm going to fail today, I tried. Don't be mad, ok? Please. I promise it wasn't that bad.
Dec 21st, we had our first real kiss, not the cheek or a half one, but a full one. Today might have gone a bit wrong and I'm sorry about that, I just got stupid stuff stuck in my head. It wasn't your fault. But afterwards where moments to remember! Today was good, really good, but I hope in the future it isn't always that, I'm not saying that was bad, but I just don't want it to always be about that. Maybe we really can last? I still can't believe that were doing this, like me and you El. It's so bizarre.
You know what I really liked? The songs. That means a lot you know. Like a lot. I still can't believe that happened lol. That was wild a little bit to wild. Though the part where you rubbed me feet was really sweet and it didn't tickle as bad. Which is very odd. I don't remember if I thanked you for it. My cracks are a little better I think. I'm like really really really really really really really getting more comfortable around you, which is so strange! Like I can't even tell you how strange, it doesn't make any sense. It really doesn't. It usually takes months for me to be this okay with someone. Yeah.. months.. you've accomplished something that no one else has, not even lil k. We were both very awkward when we first became friends. But these past few weeks has expanded so far. I like this El, but the more I get comfortable the more scared I get. I just i don't know... It's to new you know? Wayy new! And I'm not speedy lol. "Slow and steady wins the race" I'm the turtle and your the hare in this story lol.
These writings things have not turned out like I thought they would, it's more like a diary I guess, but whatever it works I suppose. Maybe No. 3 will be better then this one.

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoetryRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay