Time has spoken once again. It is my duty to do as time demands, but I am weak. My roaring insides run dry, my tolerance is at peace now. I have fallen more times than I'd like to admit. As each new day break appears a part of me disappears. I am weary of the future. Time is a cruel being and I'm a slave to its unending power. “I have killed many for you my old friend, why must now be my turn” I look it in the face demanding answers. “You speak unwisely, you know the truth, each task you've completed has been under my ruling, I am a power greater than any mortal or immortal, i am but of evil and good, I thrive as the world decays for I am of all time, never ending, but forever losing, with each new gift I bring upon the world I must take another, now my friend I have given you life, and it is my utmost honor to take it away, you've been declared a monster among your species have you lived as you liked? you have grown old now i have no use for you, now begone, and return to the place you once crawled out of!” I screamed in horror as my body slowly became ashes, I am forever gone.<3 this is another one I found, I may want to continue this one... What do you guys think? <3

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoetryRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay