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The image of her frozen face and still body haunt me
But I often wonder what her last breath sounded like
Was it shallow? Or was it like a normal breath?
The shadow her body left behind still resides in that room
Her house remains a light blueish grey
But why didn't crumble with her? Why does it still stand while she remains as ashes?
She loved plants they grew beautifully in her care
But yet after all this time they still remain green and vibrant
How can they be alive while her petals have welted into dust? Why are they trees still singing?
The piece who made everything complete is missing
As the years pass by it seems like she is fading away
Everyone's grieving is slowly being replaced with other emotions
Why is she disappearing within time? Who is going to paint her story before it's to late?
The memories I made with her will forever remain within my walls core
My heart will never forget her warmth
I love her, my savior

<3 dedicated to my beloved grandmother <3

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