Here I am again at my father's. This time I will be staying a month. Summer is almost gone, and I have don't nothing of what I planned. I feel inevitably like a failure. But, I must look on the bright side, I still have time. I have to try before time is up.
Bad news though potatoes... Again. Pray for me. I feel as though they will devour me. This time there is no telling if I will make it. I should have told my stepmother that I had already had lunch. I didn't, but even so I shouldn't have ate when she told me what there was to choose from. I am doomed. It is my fault, I should have been smarter and thought about dinner. There's no point in weeping about it now.
Oh how I long for this to last longer. More time is all I need. But in wishing so is greedy. It is ultimately my fault for wasting such precious time. And I alone will bear the burden of such. Time is flickering by so fastly. Like stars exploding into ashes I am on a time crunch. Each time I shout out for more the past crumbles and fades into the night and thus I am left stranded crying out like a fool for more, but in the same essence: on the same breath I am departing further and further from the things I once knew. Addition and subtracting. To want more is to subtract the older and more ancient memories. And to add is to add more and more into the string that holds onto all the dates; all the moments I keep, adding is to continue and make room for more moments.
This is all I have in me today. My thoughts are floating and I can't catch them yet. Perhaps tomorrow I will be better equiped, but there is no garentee that I will be as awake and as lively as today. But only tomorrow knows what it brings.
<3 thanks for tuneing in perhaps soon I'll have a part 3 <3

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoetryRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay