why do you look upon me with those deary eyes?
I know your not broken just confused
You follow your heart but it always leads you down the wrong paths
You blame yourself for all the unnecessary pain you cause
But yet in all these years I've known you I've never seen you like this
Your actions do not define your heart
I know you are good
Your just lost crumbling into nothingness
You can't seem to speak for yourself and let others push you around
How can I make you believe that your going to make it?
I know you can you just have to fight
You see there was a time when I was like you but now I have learned through my mistakes
I know one day you will aswell
I am here for you always and forever
I will fight with you you just have to show me your demons so we can defeat them together
We can do this together don't leave me in the dark
Don't forget me please<3 dedicated to the girl who showed me what a friend is truly supposed to be like, I know your going through alot please let me help, I love you dearly<3

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
ŞiirRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay