You were once just a boy in my class
A friend of mine
Someone of blue eyes I'd never dared to look into
Perhaps if I did I would have known sooner
funerals they say bring people closer together
I have seen many examples of this
And today I lived it
It's been four months since we've become more
And I have been by your side just about every second since
This is all because of you I want to express this proudly
With a simple question you proceeded with everything changed
The beginning was very hard for me
But you did as you promised and helped me every step of the way
Yet here we are intertwined
I moved here six years ago and each of those years you were there
And still you have stayed
I'm just the girl in the back row hiding away
While and your just the boy looking for more
I came to this place with an expiration date past it's due
The day you spoke of love for me I received a gift of redemption
A mercy I could never begin to deserve
When laid next to eachother our breaths become in sync
Just as our lives have become one<3 dedicated to my paramour <3

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoesíaRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay