Because he is not inherently bad
He is not inherently good either
Because he is plain
He is not worth his bothersome fitsI was raised in a home where a loveable man
Was also a man who beat my mother
Who called her names
Spit in her faceThat man was my stepfather
That man may have had his bad days like all beings do
He may have broken plates
But this man "was good"While this new man
This man who acts as if the world owes him slack
Owes him respect upon measure without giving it
He is not "good"He and all of his faults and mistakes count a thousand times more
They linger and are used as fuel for fightsHe is feeble and has emotions
He is weak and intolerable
He doesn't comply with the standards that were so highly setBut yet,
His almost toothless smile and slender shadowed figure
Brings me comfort
Even on the the days I paint him in redThose days that I think of a new word to share with him
The laughter I beseech finds its way next to him
And yet through all of the years my mother has claimed himHe has stayed, he has paid for our family needs
Living with us and driving me to school
Casuing me to allow my tenderness to sometimes show under my exteriorHe is not inherently good
But that does not make him bad
He is okay, who does not own the name perfect
But, in reality who really does?
Its just expectations

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoetryRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay